
Neither his bier nor his bearers knew

ما درى نعشه ولا حاملوه

1. Neither his bier nor his bearers knew
What virtues wrapped in that shroud lie enclosed

١. ما دَرى نَعشُهُ وَلا حامِلوهُ
ما عَلى النَعشِ مِن عَفافٍ وجودِ

2. As little as his shroud itself knew
How brave and true a heart it enclosed

٢. وَأُرانا كَالزَرعِ يَحصِدُهُ الدَه
رُ فَمِن بَينِ قائِمٍ وَحَصيدِ

3. We seem like crops the reaper mows
Amid the standing corn and grain that falls

٣. وَكَأَنّا لِلمَوتِ رَكبٌ مُخِبّو
نَ سِراعٌ لِمَنهَلٍ مَورودِ