
Your beauty drew me with a veil this morning,

أشاقك بالقنع الغداة رسوم

1. Your beauty drew me with a veil this morning,
Young maidens whose youth is freshly bloomed.

١. أَشاقَكَ بِالقِنعِ الغَداةَ رُسومُ
دَوارِسُ أَدنى عَهدِهِنَّ قَديمُ

2. They sway though twenty pilgrimages have passed,
Like peaks on the mountain's back at dawn.

٢. يَلُحنَ وَقَد جَرَّمنَ عِشرينَ حِجَّةً
كَما لاحَ في ظَهرِ البَنانِ وُشومُ

3. The dwellings - while their people bore their load
And journeyed on, their youth remained behind.

٣. مَنازِلُ أَمّا أَهلُها فَتَحَمَّلوا
فَساروا وَأَمّا صَبُّهُم فَمُقيمُ

4. They seemed, when I knew their features first,
A precious trust in sculptors' hands designed.

٤. كَأَنّي بِها لَمّا عَرَفتُ رُسومَها
ثَقيلٌ لَدى أَيدي الرُقاةِ سَليمُ

5. When I entrusted you, O mother of Malik,
To time, firm on foundations long enshrined

٥. وَإِنّي لِما إِستودِعَتُ يا أُمَّ مالِكٍ
عَلى قِدَمٍ مِن عَهدِهِ لَكَتومُ

6. My passion that within me stirs, when friends
Reveal their love, I keep concealed, resigned.

٦. وَإِنّي عَلى الشَوقِ الَّذي أَنا داخِلٌ
إِذا باحَ أَصحابُ الهَوى لَضَمومُ

7. No home, though filled with happiest life, has held
My eyes beyond a transitory stay.

٧. فَلَم تَرَ عَينَي مَربَعاً بَعدَ مَربَعٍ
بِذي العُشِّ لَو كانَ النَعيمُ يَدومُ

8. Would he the heir, predestined for our realm,
On whom is bound an amulet 'gainst death's claim!

٨. فَلَيتَ وَليَّ العَهدِ كانَ مُحَرَّماً
عَلى المَوتِ مَعقودٌ عَلَيهِ تَميمُ

9. Clouds, not of lightning-charged rainstorm, but rather
Of gentle draft whose water is pure balm.

٩. صَحائِبُ لا مِن صَيِّبٍ ذي صَواعِقٍ
وَلا مُحرِقاتٍ ماؤهُنَّ حَميمُ

10. Nor trailing clouds that when the hot wind blows
Let through a barren, flaming blast of drought.

١٠. وَلا مُخلِفاتٍ حينَ هِجنَ بِنَسمَةٍ
إِلَيهُنَّ هَوجاءُ المَهَبِّ عَقيمُ

11. When they alight upon the earth, its boughs expire,
And weep for them until the brushwood lives.

١١. إِذا ما هَبَطنَ الأَرضَ قَد ماتَ عودُها
بَكَينَ بِها حَتّى يَعيشَ هَشيمُ