1. Your eyes have preceded you today in weeping
And made you cry over the playfulness of your youth
١. لَقَدَ سَبَقَتكَ اليَومَ عَيناكَ سَبقَةً
وَأَبكاكَ مِن عَهدِ الشَبابِ مَلاعِبُه
2. And the recollection of a life now gone, never to return
To us again, until the brimming cup runs dry
٢. وَتُذكارُ عَيشٍ قَد مَضى لَيسَ راجِعاً
لَنا أَبَداً أَو يَرجِعَ الدَرَّ حالِبهُ
3. The drawing of the two sandalwoods brought us heartache
When their valleys and slopes were called
٣. وَبالزَورِ زَورِ الرَقمَتَينِ لَنا شَجاً
إِذا نَدِيَت قيعانُهُ وَمَذاهِبُه
4. A land, when will its towering mountains overlook
Luxury that makes yearning rush to you
٤. بِلادٌ مَتى تُشرِف طَويلُ جِبالِها
عَلى تَرَفٍ يَجلِب لَكَ الشَوقَ جالِبُه
5. It's as if my heart is in a hand that handles it
Cautiously, lest the rope snap under its puller
٥. كَأَنَّ فُؤادي في يَدٍ ضَبَثَت بِهِ
مُحاذِرَةً أَن يَقضِبَ الحَبلَ قاضِبُه
6. And I fear the imminence of parting, and I
Suppose the one carried on it is its rider
٦. وَأَشفِقُ مِن وَشكِ الفِراقِ وَإِنَّني
أَظُنُّ لَمَحمولٌ عَلَيهِ فَراكِبُه
7. I looked down, under me palm trees with shining fronds
With a lofty gaze, their claws are digging
٧. نَظَرتُ وَدوني السُحقُ مِن نَخلِ بارِقٍ
بِنَظرَةِ سامي الطَرَفِ حُجنٌ مَخالِبُه
8. To see a fire in the atmosphere, and below it
A month's journey no rider could complete
٨. لِأُبصِرَ ناراً بِالجَواءِ وَدونَها
مَسيرَةُ شَهرٍ لا يُعَرِّسُ راكِبُه
9. I love you, O Mayy, two loves, one
Old, one when its youthfulness was in bloom
٩. أُحِبُّكُم يا مَيُّ حُبَّينِ مِنهُما
قَديمٌ وَحُبٌّ حينَ شَبَّت شَبائِبُه
10. When they come together, the old one said: I prevailed over it
And the latter one said: I am its conqueror
١٠. إِذا إِجتَمَعا قالَ القَديمُ غَلَبتُهُ
وَقالَ الَّذي مِن بَعدِهِ أَنا غالِبُه
11. Oh, I wish I knew, will our encampment change after us
And the pegs and ropes of our tent
١١. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل تَغَيَّرَ بَعدَنا
صَرائِمُ جَنبَي مِخيَطٍ وَجَنائِبُه
12. Will the doves abandon their place after me
And will the warbling in the valley cease
١٢. وَهَل تَرَكَ الحَومانُ بَعدي مَكانَهُ
وَهَل زالَ مِن بَطنِ الجُوَيِّ تَناضُبُه
13. By God, I don't know if passion will overwhelm me
When the pain of separation is severe, or if I will be its conqueror
١٣. فَوَاللَهِ ما أَدري أَيَغلُِبُني الهَوى
إِذا جَدَّ جِدُّ البَينِ أَم أَنا غالِبُه
14. If I can, I will overcome, and if passion overwhelms
One like me who is overwhelmed, his companion is overwhelmed
١٤. فَإِن أَسَتَطِع أَغلِب وَإِن يَغلِبِ الهَوى
فَمِثلُ الَّذي لاقَيتُ يُغلَبُ صاحِبُه
15. Prolonged has been the petitioning of the envoys, envoys of warriors
Seeking glory, their guard has not permitted them after
١٥. لَقَد طالَ هَبسُ الوَفدِ وَفدِ مُحارِبٍ
عَنِ المَجدِ لَم يَأذَن لَهُم بَعدَ حاجِبُه
16. And he said to them, turn back, for I will never permit you
Or until the dust counts the dust
١٦. وَقالَ لَهُم كُرّوا فَلَستُ بِآذِنٍ
لَكُم أَبَداً أَو يَحصِيَ التُربَ حاسِبُه