
The water-drawers of glory made me drink from the family of the unjust

سقتني سقاة المجد من آل ظالم

1. The water-drawers of glory made me drink from the family of the unjust
With a bucket whose edges are in the stars

١. سَقَتني سُقاةُ المَجدِ مِن آلِ ظالِمٍ
بِأَرشِيَةٍ أَطرافُها في الكَواكِبِ

2. And at the top of the one with the palm trees, they lead
Steeds with sturdy necks and ready to charge

٢. وَإِذا بِأَعلى ذي النُخَيلِنُسَيَةً
يُسَيّرنَ أَعياراً شِدادَ المَناكِبِ

3. They sway with a swaying that is upon them a thickeness
As the swaying of scorpions with flies

٣. يَشُلنَ بِأَستاهٍ عَلَيهُنَّ دُسمَةٌ
كَما شالَ بِالأَذبابِ سُمر العَقارِبِ

4. And we had, for our amusement, something to charm our drowsiness
When it would overwhelm us with the tinkling of anklets

٤. وَكانَت لَنا لَهواً تُحَلّي نُعاسَنا
إِذا ماخَفَتنا بِالخُروقِ السَباسِبِ

5. If you ask about the houses of meanness and vileness
Then ask about the houses of green, green warriors

٥. إِذا سَلتَ عَن أَبياتِ لُؤمٍ وَدِقَّةٍ
فَسَل عَن بُيوتِ الخُضرِ خُضرِ مُحارِبِ

6. You can see meanness in the green one, you can recognize it
In a position between the beard and eyebrows

٦. تَرى اللُؤمَ في الخُضريُّ قَد تَستَبينُهُ
بِمَنزِلَةٍ بَينَ اللِحى وَالحَواجِبِ

7. The green one certainly mounted me, and his dust
Upon a ship made of the ships of champions

٧. لَقدَ رَكِبَ الخُضريُّ مِنّي وَتِربُهُ
عَلى مَركَبٍ مِن نابِياتِ المَراكِبِ