1. A youth from whom all vice is estranged
No flesh or blood in him intermingled
١. فَتىً عُزِلَت عَنهُ الفَواحِشُ كُلُّها
فَلَم تَختَلِط مِنهُ بِلَحمٍ وَلا دَمِ
2. As if bangles of Kibt were suspended
From his straight and slender wrists
٢. كَأَنَّ زُرورَ القُبطُرِيَّةِ عُلِّقَت
عَلائِقُها مِنهُ بِجِذعٍ مُقَوَّمِ
3. A parchment of travels when met
With flames hot as fire unflustered
٣. عَمَلَّسُ أَسفارٍ إِذا ما إِستَقبَلَت لَهُ
سَمومٌ كَحَرِّ النارِ لَم يَتَلَثَّمِ
4. When his friends strike his brow in the dark night
He smiles not with jest or bitter humor
٤. إِذا ما رَمى أَصحابَهُ بِجَبينِهِ
سُرى لَيلَةِ الظَلماءِ لَم يَتَهَكَّمِ
5. As if bracelets of his arms had sealed them
With clay from Golan, mute and obscure
٥. كَأَنَّ قُرادَي زَورِهِ طَبَعَتهُما
بِطينٍ مِنَ الجَولانِ كُتّابُ أَعجَمِ
6. If you wish to meet the ideal man, genteel and noble
Of pure lineage and precedent, time-honored
٦. إِذا شِئتَ أَن تَلقى فَتى النَأسِ وَالنَدى
وَذا الحَسَبِ الزاكي التَليدِ المُقَدَّمِ
7. Be Omar, whom none can transcend
To any other, ask people and understand
٧. فَكُن عُمَراً تَأتي وَلا تَعدُوَنَّهُ
إِلى غَيرِهِ وَإِستَخبِرِ الناسَ وَإِفهَمِ