
Longing has stirred for you restless, circling winds,

أهاج لك الشوق الطلول الدوارس

1. Longing has stirred for you restless, circling winds,
That have sifted barren dust over meadows once green.

١. أَهاجَ لَكِ الشَوقَ الطَلولُ الدَوارِسُ
عَفاهُنَّ سَفسافٌ مِنَ التُربِ يابِسُ

2. Homes they watered, now a passing cloud,
That journeyed on when night was done, a morning breeze.

٢. مَنازِلُ أَسقاهُنَّ غادٍ وَرائِحٌ
وَسارٍ سَرى مِن آخِرِ اللَيلِ راجِسُ

3. As though the lightning's flash within their rooms
Were lamps of monks, quenched by the pouring rains.

٣. كَأَنَّ وَميضَ البَرقِ في حُجُراتِهِ
مَصابيحُ رُهبانٍ سَقاهُنَّ قابِسُ

4. The last we met was by Umm Juhdar's tent,
When the wild mares charged upon her stony plain.

٤. وَآخِرُ عَهدِ الوَصلِ مِن أُمِّ جَحدَرٍ
بِذي العُشِّ إِذ رَدَّت عَلَيها العَرامِسُ

5. Charging mares that grunt unless spoken to gently
When stallions leap and mount their yielding frames.

٥. عَرامِسُ ما يَنطِقنَ إِلّا تَبَغُّماً
إِذا أُلقِيَت تَحتَ الرِجالِ الطَنافِسُ

6. And if we meet, O Umm Juhdar, though our folk despair,
Hope shall return and stand alert, no longer numb.

٦. وَإِنّي لَئِن أَلقاكِ يا أُمَّ جَحدَرٍ
وَيَحتَلَّ أَهلانا جَميعاً لَآيِسُ

7. For your sake I roused the sleeping herd at dawn,
Though slumbering myself, and drove them, called by your name,

٧. وَمِن أَجلِها كَلَّفتُها النَصَّ وَالسُرى
وَأَشعَثُ قَد نَبَّهَتهُ وَهُوَ ناعِسُ

8. Till all thought of you flew like a startled grouse
When children clap their hands and run in sudden glee.

٨. بِذِكراكِ حَتّى طارَ عَن رَأسِهِ الكَرى
كَما طارَ فَرخُ البانَةِ المُتَمايِسُ

9. We slew both Al-Asbagh's sons, and we alone
Bore the banner when Dahis charged in rage.

٩. وَنَحنُ قَتَلنا الأَصبَغَينِ كِلَيهِما
وَنَحنُ حَمَلنا الأَلفَ إِذ هاجَ داحِسُ

10. And we slew Ibn Al-Sharid, till his excuses
Seemed like the babbling of delirious men.

١٠. وَنَحنُ قَتَلنا إِبنَ الشَريدِ فَأَصبَحَت
عَذايِرُهُ تَعفو عَلَيها الرَوامِسُ

11. Obstinate girls who'll not grant a grain of mustard,
Prattling at will like chattering starlings.

١١. مَوانِعُ لا يُعطينَ حَبَّةَ خَردَلٍ
وَهُنَّ دَوانٍ في الحَديثِ أَوانِسُ

12. Hating to hear the slightest hint of censure,
As the Syrian mares hate the clink of rein.

١٢. وَيَكرَهنَ أَن يَسمَعنَ في اللَهوِ ريبَةً
كَما كَرِهَت صَوتَ اللِجامِ الشَوامِسُ