
I boasted when facing death, and death is my wish,

تبجحت عند الموت والموت بغيتي

1. I boasted when facing death, and death is my wish,
If I were a sinner, I would not do what God has forbidden,

١. تَبَجَّحتُ عِندَ المَوتِ وَالمَوتُ بُغيَتي
وَلَو كُنتُ هَتّاكاً لِما اللَهُ حَرَّما

2. And my soul is delighted that I am headed,
Towards the best of predetermined good things and the most generous,

٢. وَطابَت بِها نَفسي لِأَنّي قادِمٌ
عَلى خَيرٍ مَقدومٍ عَلَيهِ وَأَكرَما

3. May He who forgives sins and slips forgive my slip,
And veil my burdens and whatever sins came before.

٣. عَسى غافِرُ الزَّلّاتِ يَغفِرُ زَلَّتي
وَيَستُرُ أَوزاري وَما قَد تَقَدَّما