1. Love has watered my heart with its wine, continuously
Yet it has established no justice for reproach, nor change
١. غَرامٌ سَقى قَلبي مُدامَتَهُ صِرفا
وَلمّا يُقم لِلعَذلِ عَدلاً وَلا صَرفا
2. The judge of love has ruled since dawn estrangement upon it
Ailing with an illness that is incurable and cannot be healed
٢. قَضى فيهِ قاضي الحُبِّ بِالهَجرِ مُذ غَدا
مَريضاً بِداءٍ لا يُطَبُّ وَلا يُشفى
3. My days are a river between my eyelids and my inner eye
My nights are a boundless sea beneath which lies stillness
٣. نَهارِيَّ نَهرٌ بَينَ جَفنَيَّ وَالكَرى
وَلَيلِيَّ بَحرٌ مُرسَلٌ دونَهُ سَجفا
4. Wounded by the arrows of love, passion has manifested in him
Thus he has revealed what he revealed and hidden what he hid
٤. جَريحُ سِهامِ الحُبِّ عاثَ بِهِ الهَوى
فَأَبدى الَّذي أَبدى وَأَخفى الَّذي أَخفى
5. Yearnings, dark of heart, have settled in him
Elevating him with gentleness, humbling him gently
٥. تَوَطَّنَتِ الأَشواقُ سَوداءَ قَلبِهِ
فَتَرفَعُهُ ظَرفاً وَتَحفِضُهُ ظَرفا
6. The night companions attempt consoling me, aggrieved
Does the consoler find one who has lost familiarity?
٦. يُحاوِلُ سُلواني الأَحِبَّةَ عُذَّلي
وَهَل يَجِدُ السُلوانَ مَن يَفقِدُ الإِلفا
7. We were wakeful while they slept, then blamed our eyes
Indeed, they spoke truly to us - the watcher is not like the drowsy
٧. سَهِرنا فَناموا ثُمَّ عابوا جُفونَنا
لَقَد صَدَقونا المُرهُ لا تُشبِهُ الوُطفا
8. For the sincere lover, his heart suffices
Bitterness in his lament over the harshness of what he endures
٨. فَحَسبُ المُحِبِّ الصادِقِ الوِدِّ قَلبُهُ
جَفاءً بِشَكواهُ مَرارَةَ ما يُجفى
9. What has strengthened the limbs of the lover except
The hope of union with the beloved - its fingers clutched tightly
٩. وَما ضَرَّ أَوصالَ المُحِبِّ مُقَوَّتاً
رَجاءَ وِصالِ الحِبِّ اِسناتُها عَجفا
10. If the eyes of the beloved are lost to us, then in truth
Contentment with his beautiful traces suffices one contented
١٠. لَئِن فاتَنا عَينُ الحَبيبِ فَإِنَّما
بِآثارِهِ الحُسنى اِكتِفاءُ مَنِ اِستَكفى
11. If you do not see the noble sandal, then bow down
To its image, dwelling upon kissing it
١١. فَإِن لَم تَرَ النَّعلَ الشَريفَةَ فَاِنخَفِض
لِتِمثالِها وَاِعكُف عَلى لَثمِها عَكفا
12. Stop, smelling the scent of its spirit
A soul besotted, having relinquished its body halted
١٢. وَقِف رائِماً إِشمامَ رَيّا عَبيرِها
حُشاشَةَ نَفسٍ وَدَّعَت جِسمَها وَقفا
13. Do not refuse, in kissing a beloved you love
When kissing is possible - not weakly nor feebly
١٣. وَلا تَرضَ في تَقبيلِ إِلفٍ تُحِبُّهُ
إِذا أَمكَنَ التَقبيلُ أَلفاً وَلا ضِعفا
14. She appeared a garden, musky in her delight, the eye
Nearly envies her scent so fine to the senses
١٤. بَدَت رَوضَةً مِسكِيَّةَ النَّشرِ أَوشَكَت
لِطيبِ شَذاها العَينُ أَن تَحسُدَ الأَنفا
15. Can a head pressed to her exist?
Can an eyelid shut beside her ever refrain?
١٥. أَيُمكِنُ رَأسٌ ضَمُّهُ الفَمَ دونَها
أَيَملِكُ جَفنٌ غَضَّهُ دونَها الطَرفا
16. She turns away harm and shields against its affliction
And if not for a prior decree, she would have turned away contagion
١٦. تَرُدُّ الرَدى المَحشِيَّ وَشكُ بَلائِهِ
وَلَولا قَضاءٌ سابِقٌ رَدَّتِ الحَتفا
17. She brings gain in the market of earning, a blessing
And avoids in the race to attain the heights, deviation
١٧. وَتَجلِبُ في سوقِ التَكَسُّبِ طُرفَةً
وَتَجنُبُ في مِضمارِ نَيلِ العُلى طِرفا
18. A spear reddened with blood, and a sharpened arrow
A Yemeni sword, and a thorough striking
١٨. وَرُمحاً رُدَينِيّاً وَسَهماً مُفَوَّقا
وَسَيفاً سُريجِيّاً وَسابِغَةً زَغفا
19. So roll up your sleeves, reveal every secret you conceal
But beware concealing in your explanation or exclusion
١٩. فَشَمِّر وَأَظهِر كُلَّ سِرٍّ تَضُمُّهُ
وَإِيّاكَ وَالإِضمارَ في الشَرحِ وَالحَذفا
20. And arbitrate for her; she by merit is the judge
The three: sacred law, reason, and norm
٢٠. وَحَكِّم لَها مَن هُنَّ بِالفَضلِ حُكَّمٌ
ثَلاثَتَهُنَّ الشَرعَ وَالعَقلَ وَالعُرفا
21. A predecessor has passed in service of the sandal
So be a successor in what they pursued, not a failure
٢١. مَضى سَلَف في خِدمَةِ النَعلِ صالِحٌ
فَكُن خَلَفاً فيما تَعاطَوهُ لا خَلفا
22. They saw in this lowly world a means
To proximity with God in the next, brought near
٢٢. رَأَوا تِلكَ في الدُنيا الدَنِيَّةِ قُربَةً
إِلى اللَهِ في الأُخرى مُقَرَّبَةً زُلفى
23. I see the roaming poets enraptured
Extolling their beloved's description with portrayal
٢٣. أَرى الشُّعَراءَ الهائِمينَ تَشَبَّبوا
بِذِكرِ المُحاكي مَن يُحِبّونَهُ وَصفا
24. Spreading the fame of the Benchmark and the Pure Dwelling
And flying with the praises of the Pleiades and Canopus
٢٤. يُذيعونَ ذِكرَ البانِ وَالحِقفَ ذي النَّقى
وَيُطرونَ ذاتَ الخِشفِ بِالقَولِ وَالخِشفا
25. As for me, my master, in your sandal's form
I have gone beyond portraying and describing, piercing them
٢٥. فَها أَنا في تِمثالِ نَعلِكَ سَيِّدي
مَضَيتُ عَلى التَّحقيقِ في الوَصفِ كَالإِشفا
26. I and my description are unique in beauty
As one who desires to expend two seas drawing from them
٢٦. وَإِنّي وَتوصافي بَديعَ حُلاهُما
كَمَن هَمَّ بِالبَحرَينِ يُفنيهِما غَرفا
27. Equal to the sand of the sandal with pure soil
Lest the evils of the sun outweigh the pleiades
٢٧. مُوازي تُرابِ النَعلِ بِالتَبرِ سائِمٌ
جِبالَ شَرَورى الشُمَّ أَن تَزِنَ الزِّفا
28. O you whose fingers have quenched the thirst of thousands
Just as you have granted victory over thousands
٢٨. أَيا مَن سَقَت أَلفاً ظِماءً بَنانُهُ
كَما وَهَبَت أَلفاً كَما هَزَمَت أَلفا
29. A hand named relief amidst dire poverty
Just as it was called a shield against enemies
٢٩. يَدٌ سُمِّيَت في فادِحِ الفَقرِ راحَة
كَما سُمِّيَت في كَفِّها لِلعِدى كَفّا
30. And whoever stood behind him in the Night Journey and Gathering
Every prophet and messenger of God, arrayed in rows
٣٠. وَمَن قامَ في الإِسراءِ وَالحَشرِ خَلفَهُ
نَبيّو إِلَهِ الحَقِّ كُلُّهُمُ صَفّا
31. A prophet who turned the ages, favoring him
Thus we are unafraid, nor harsh forevermore
٣١. نَبِيٌّ وَقانا صَرفَ الدَهرِ يُمنُهُ
فَها نَحنُ لا أَزلا نَخافُ وَلا عُنفا
32. He has skill in the knowledge of every hidden thing
With certainty, though he has not alighted upon a single letter
٣٢. لَهُ مِكنَةٌ في عِلمِ كُلِّ خَبيئَةٍ
يَقيناً وَلَم يَحطُط عَلى مُهرَقٍ حَرفا
33. Reaching him is the knowledge of what Layla's daughters
Once concealed in the well of Dhirwan and Jiffa
٣٣. تَناهى إِلَيهِ عِلمُ ما كانَ أَودَعَت
بَناتُ لَبيدٍ بِئرَ ذَروانَ وَالجَفا
34. And what is in the sheep's foreleg that
The Jews distorted, yet he pardoned and forgave
٣٤. وَما في ذِراعِ الشاةِ مِمّا تَعَمَّدَت
يَهودُ وَلَكِن ما أَعَفَّ وَما أَعفا
35. The kingdom of the Throne from him is not unseen
He beholds it while his eyes sleep uncovered
٣٥. وَما مَلكوتُ العَرشِ عَنهُ مُغَيَّباً
يُعايِنُهُ وَالعَينُ نائِمَةٌ كَشفا
36. Sleep comes over him lawfully, while his
Wakeful heart has never slumbered for a moment
٣٦. يَجوزُ عَلَيهِ النَومُ شَرعاً وَما سَها
لَهُ قَلبُهُ اليَقظانُ قَطُّ وَما أَغفى
37. The precincts of the Sacred House have not been tracked
In the script of Quraysh when it disavowed all that is disavowed
٣٧. وَما أَرضَة البَيتِ الحَرامِ تَعَقَّبَت
كِتابَ قُرَيشٍ إِذ نَفَت كُلَّ ما يُنفى
38. For your blessed birth there are famed signs
That have clarified the ambiguity of the transmitters completely
٣٨. لِمَولِدِكَ المَيمونِ آيٌ شَهيرَةٌ
شَفَت غُلَّةَ الراوينَ مِن قَولِها الشَّفّا
39. And in what Halima's eyes saw when she saw
You adopted - he is the most fortunate, healing whoever seeks healing
٣٩. وَفيما رَأَت عَينا حَليمَةَ مُذ رَأَت
تَبَنّيكَ هُوَ الأَحظى شِفاءَ مَنِ اِستَشفى
40. Had the moon not responded when you called it
It would not have split in half or halves again
٤٠. وَلَو لَم يُجِبكَ البَدرُ لَمّا دَعَوتَهُ
لِما شِئتَ لَم يَنفَكَّ نِصفَينِ أَو نِصفا
41. Your mother of the believers would not be, though mighty
Except that her measure held back the flood fully
٤١. وَلَم تَكُ أُمُّ المُؤمِنينَ وَإِن سَخَت
لِتُفنِيَ لَولا كَيلُها ما عَلا الرَفّا
42. Beside your miracles, the stars of the sky
In ascent, beauty, loftiness, are configured
٤٢. إِلى مُعجِزاتٍ أَنجُمُ الجَوِّ دونَها
نُمُوّاً وَحُسناً وَاِرتِفاعاً وَمُصطَفّى
43. Neither time can enumerate them, even if
Its nights and days became ink and scrolls
٤٣. فَلا الدَهرُ يُحصيهِنَّ عَدّاً وَلَو غَدَت
مِداداً لَياليهِ وَأَيّامُهُ صُحفا
44. Through you, God called the world of reason into confusion
Deceiving them in justice, and guiding them in kindness
٤٤. بِكَ اللَهُ نادى عالَمَ العَقلِ بالِياً
فَأَغواهُمُ عَدلاً وَوَفَّقَهُم لُطفا
45. The stars assumed from you guidance
And the sun of morning, dawn, and sweet basil
٤٥. تَأَثَّلَ مِنكَ النَجمُ كَيفِيَّةَ الهُدى
وَشَمسُ الضُحى الإِشراقَ وَالعَنبَرُ العَرفا
46. Your integrity unveiled what it manifested, and so blindness parted
Your face beautified, your heart purified
٤٦. وَرُشدُكَ ما أَبداهُ فَاِنكَشَفَ العَمى
وَوَجهُكَ ما أَبهى وَقَلبُكَ ما أَصفى
47. You enlightened the darkness of your enemies' hearts
As revelations giving guidance shone upon them, overwhelming
٤٧. وَنَوَّرتَ أَضغانَ العَدُوِّ مُوالِياً
عَلَيهِم هُدى الأَياتِ يُشرِقنَ وَالزَحفا
48. My eyes upon you are ever wakeful, if the eyes should sleep
Nor has my imagination, whilst I live, seen its like
٤٨. وَلي فيكَ عَينٌ ما إِنِ العَينُ ثَرَّةً
حَكَتها وَلا هامي الحَيا مِثلُها وَكفا
49. A cheek beneath the ocean of soil
I have devoted it to myself - it will only dry if it dries
٤٩. وَخَدٌّ كَما تَحتَ المُحيطِ مِنَ الثَرى
فَآلَيتُهُ لا جَفَّ إِلّا إِذا جَفّا
50. A confused idea has cast the perplexed pilgrim
Halfway from where he did not expect to be cast
٥٠. وَفِكرَةُ حَيرانِ الحِجا قَذَفَت بِهِ
نَوىً شُطُرٌ مِن حَيثُ لَم يَحتَسِب قَذفا
51. And a heart which love has undertaken to depict its form
Like a pine tree, then fully possessed it, revolving
٥١. وَقَلبٌ تَوَلّى الحُبُّ تَصويرَ شَكلِهِ
صَنَوبَرَةٌ ثُمَّ اِستَبَدَّ بِهِ حِلفا
52. So its sweetness and its torment upon it were equal
It never asked to be excused, nor did it excuse
٥٢. فَكانَ سَواءً عَذبُهُ وَعَذابُهُ
عَلَيهِ فَما اِستَعفاهُ قَطُّ وَلا أَعفا
53. Hair beautifully composed, if its shin letter contained victory
The chaste maidens of the quarters would desire it accessible
٥٣. وَشِعرٌ بَديعٌ لَو حَوى الفَتحَ شينُهُ
تَمَنَّت عَذارى الحَيِّ وارِدَهُ الوَحفا
54. But if the Prophet's right is not true, then it is mere ornament
If the two earthquakes occur, you will find it a cave
٥٤. فَإِن لَم يَكُن حَقُّ النَبِيِّ فَزُخرُفٌ
إِذا زُلزِلَت لِلحَشرِ أَلفَيتَهُ كَهفا
55. I have followed the Syrian in the faa, certain
That I fall short of comprehending it, weaker
٥٥. قَفَوتُ بِها الشامِيَّ في الفاءِ موقِناً
بِأَنّي وانٍ دونَ إِدراكِهِ ضُعفا
56. I am the follower, the conveyor, confirming
Their explanation through it, hoping for your kindness
٥٦. أَنا التابِعُ النَعّاتُ فيكَ مُؤَكِّداً
بَيانَهُمُ أَرجو بِهِ عِندَكَ العَطفا
57. I have taken you as a cave, though I fear
Thus I dread not amidst events, anxiety
٥٧. تَخِذتُكَ كَهفاً دونَ ما أَنا خائِفٌ
فَلَم أَخشَ في أَعقابِ حادِثَةٍ لَهفا
58. So shelter me and whoever your hands have sheltered, their wings
Will be safe, living his days without feathers plucked
٥٨. فَرِشني وَمَن راشَت يَداكَ جَناحَهُ
يَكُن آمِناً ما عاشَ في دَهرِهِ النَتفا
59. And set me free from great sins
Whose pact has overwhelmed me - would that I were sufficed!
٥٩. وَأَطلِق سَراحي مِن ذُنوبٍ عَظيمَةٍ
تَعاظَمَني إيثاقُها لَيتَني أُكفى
60. Upon you, all of God's prayers
And his peace, however long a mind endures
٦٠. عَلَيكَ صَلاةُ اللَهِ جَمعاء كُلُّها
وَتَسليمُهُ ما طاشَ عَقلٌ وَما أَلفى
61. And upon your family, and the companions whom
Walking humbly on earth has shaded with canopies
٦١. وَآلِكَ وَالصَحبِ الَّذينَ عُلاهُمُ
أَقَلَّنهُمُ أَرضاً أَظَلَّتهُمُ سَقفا