1. Praise be to our Master outwardly and inwardly
From a scribe asking those present here
١. حَمداً لِمالِكِنا لَفظاً وَمُستَطَراً
مِن كاتِبٍ سائِلٍ لِمَن هُنا حَضَرا
2. I ask you, O people of the shrine
Except for the eminent guardian, progeny of the helper
٢. إِنّي أُسائِلُكُم يا أَهلَ زاوِيَةٍ
إِلّا الوَلِيَّ الوَجيهَ نَسل مَن نَصَرا
3. Tell the difference between praise and eulogy
Which of them has a broader scope?
٣. ما بَينَ حَمدٍ وَمَدحٍ فَرَقوا لَهُما
أَيُّهُما عَمَّمَ مِن آخِر كَثرا
4. The reconstitution of the body and attributes over time
Will they be reconstituted as they were and not otherwise?
٤. إِعادَةِ الجِسمِ وَالأَعراضِ مَع زَمَنٍ
فَهَل تُعادُ كَما كانَت وَلا غِيرا
5. One who does dry ablution at the door of his mosque
Intending optional prayer and brief entry
٥. وَمَن تَيَمَّمَ عِندَ بابِ مَسجِدِهِ
نَوى بِهِ النَّفلَ وَالدُخول مُختَصِرا
6. Can he pray his greeting prayer in it with extra prayers
O treasure for the needy?
٦. فَهَل يُصَلّي بِهِ فيهِ تَحِيَّتُهُ
مَعَ النَوافِلِ يا كَنزَ الَّذي اِفتَقَرا
7. One who catches up with the imam in his tasbih
The last one, then rises from it quickly
٧. وَمُدرِكٍ بِإِمامِهِ تَشَهُّدَهُ
أَعني الأَخيرَةَ ثُمَّ قامَ مِنهُ قَرا
8. Can anyone pray behind him?
Or can none pray behind him at all without thinking?
٨. فَهَل يُصَلّي بِهِ وَراءَهُ أَحَدٌ
أَو لا يُصَلّي بِهِ أَصلاً وَلا فَكَرا
9. What is the ruling for one who misses some of the prayer
When he stands to make it up from the tasbih, realizing
٩. ما حُكمُ مَن فاتَهُ بَعض الصَلاةِ إِذا
قامَ لِيَقضي مِن تَشَهُّدٍ وَدَرى
10. Before the imam's salam - how do you instruct him
O possessor of knowledge once scattered about?
١٠. قَبلَ سَلامِ الإِمامِ كَيفَ تَأمُرُهُ
يا ذا الَّذي كانَ لِلعُلومِ مُنتَثِرا
11. One who prays his prayer aloud but did not
Hear his own salam, even loudly
١١. وَمَن يُصَلّي صَلاتَهُ بِمُسمِعِهِ
لَم يُسمِعَن سَلامَهُ وَإِن جَهَرا
12. Must he repeat his prayer then forever?
Or should he investigate what you have declared?
١٢. فَهَل يُعيدُ صَلاتَهُ إِذاً أَبَداً
أَو يَتَحَرّا ما لَدَيكُمُ شَهُرا
13. One who aimlessly kills a louse while praying
Must he repeat it? What is the well-known view, O observer?
١٣. وَقاتِلٌ في الصَلاةِ قَملَةً عَبَثاً
فَهَل يُعيدُ وَما المَشهورُ يا نُظَرا
14. A rider prayed his obligatory prayers
With all its stipulated conditions that were mentioned
١٤. وَراكِبٌ مَحمَلاً صَلّى فَرائِضَهُ
وَمَع كَمالِ شُروطِها الَّذي ذَكَرا
15. Likewise, a Quran teacher in the desert
Is in a state of impurity with no ablution
١٥. كَذا مُعَلِّمُ قُرآنٍ بِبادِيَةٍ
وَهوَ بِهِ جُنُبٌ وَلَيسَ مُطَهَّرا
16. Finding no water, what does he do at that time
Touching the pages of Allah's Scripture or abstaining?
١٦. لَم يَجِدِ الماءَ ما يَفعَلُ ساعَتَهُ
يَمَسُّ لَوحَ كِتابِ اللَهِ أَو هَجَرا
17. One who wants to perform hajj to Allah's Sacred House
And he has a wife, so what is his matter?
١٧. وَمَن يُرِد حَجَّ بَيتِ اللَهِ ذا حَرَمٍ
وَعِندَهُ زَوجَةٌ فَما بِهِ أَمَرا
18. Should he give her the choice or not give her the choice?
Does hajj become obligatory for her, my brother, by choice?
١٨. فَهَل يُخَيِّرُها أَو لا يُخَيِّرُها
هَل يوجِبُ الحَجَّ يا أَخي لَها الخِيَرا
19. One who wants to marry a woman out of desire
While having a wife, the combination of them raises concern
١٩. وَمَن يُريدُ نِكاحَ مَرأَةٍ رَغَباً
وَعِندَهُ زَوجَةٌ جَمعُهُما نَظَرا
20. And one whose proposal was accepted, she said no
Unless you divorce her - so he divorced her unwillingly
٢٠. وَذي الَّتي خُطِبَت قالَت لَهُ هُوَ لا
حَتّى تُطَلِّقَها طَلَّقَها جَبَرا
21. Then married the one proposed to
So he remarried the wife he had abandoned
٢١. ثُمَّ تَزَوَّجَها أَعنى الَّتي خُطِبَت
فَراجَعَ الزّوجَة الّتي لَها بَتَرا
22. Is her divorce final or is she revocable?
Clarify for us the ruling in this murky matter
٢٢. طَلاقُها بائِنٌ أَو هِيَ رِجعِيَّةٌ
بَيَّنَ لَنا الحكم في هَذا الَّذي غَبَرا
23. A man has two wives - living sensuously for example -
He divorced one, so the other was also divorced
٢٣. وَمَرأَتانِ لِزَوجٍ عائِشٍ مَثَلاً
طَلَّقَ إِحداهُما فَطُلِّقَت أُخَرى
24. She was not divorced since he did not divorce her
So darkness has set in, be a moon for her
٢٤. فَلا طَلاقَ لَها إِذ لَيسَ طَلَّقَها
فَأَظلَمَ اللَيلُ فيها كُن لَها قَمَرا
25. One who vows to divorce his wife out of desire
That he will certainly perform an act of devotion by it as a vow
٢٥. وَحالِفٌ بِطَلاقِ مَرأَةٍ رَغَباً
لَيَفعَلَنَّ عبادَةً بِها نَذَرا
26. And none shall share it with him
How can he act outside the law recklessly?
٢٦. وَلا يُشارِكُهُ فيها لَهُ أَحَدٌ
وَكَيفَ يَفعَلُ غَيرَ الشَرعِ مُبتَدَرا
27. One who also has a wife, so he divorced her
While her dowry which he gave as a bride-price
٢٧. وَمَن لَهُ زَوجَةٌ أَيضاً فَطَلَّقَها
وَالحالُ أَن صَداقَها الَّذي مَهَرا
28. Some of it was cash and some was deferred
Should he expedite the deferred portion?
٢٨. فَمِنهُ نَقدٌ وَبَعضُهُ إِلى أَجَلٍ
فَهَل يُعَجِّلُ بِالبَعضِ الَّذي أَخَّرا
29. A husband's gift to his wife from his money
Does he count it as part of the dowry, do you think?
٢٩. هَدِيَّةُ الزَوجِ مِن مالٍ لِزَوجَتِهِ
هَل هُوَ يَحسِبُها مِنَ الصَداقِ تُرا
30. One who has a female servant, marries her off to a man
Can he have sex with her or is it prohibited for him?
٣٠. وَمَن لَهُ أَمَةٌ زَوَّجَها رَجُلاً
فَهَل لَهُ وَطئُها أَو هَل لَهُ حَظُرا
31. An orphan's mother who has a son
And she has wealth, if it would bring harm
٣١. أُمُّ اليَتيمِ إِذا كانَ لَها وَلَدٌ
وَعِندَها المالُ إِن رَأَت بِهِ ضَرَرا
32. Should she spend on the son beyond his clothing?
Or not, and what is her due right if it is difficult?
٣٢. هَل تُنفقَنَّ عَلَيهِ مَعَ كِسوَتِهِ
أَم لا وَما حُكم حَقِّها بِما عَسُرا
33. One who buys a scrawny camel, fattens it up
Until its plumpness becomes visible
٣٣. مَنِ اِشتَرى الجَمَلَ الهَزيلَ عَلَّفَهُ
حَتّى بَدا سَمنُهُ لَدَيهِ فَاِنجَبَرا
34. Then the purchaser rightfully claims it while in his hand
What is the sharia ruling for the taker, O proud one?
٣٤. ثُمَّ اِستَحَقَّ مِنَ المُبتاعِ في يَدِهِ
ما حُكمُ آخِذِهِ بِالشَرعِ فَاِفتَخَرا
35. One who buys a horse, sees a defect in it
Lends it to a youth who marches with it at dawn
٣٥. مَنِ اِشتَرى فَرَساً عَيباً رَآهُ بِهِ
أَعارَهُ لِفَتىً غَزا بِهِ الفُجَرا
36. Then after a month claims the defect
Saying: I thought it had no defect when it appeared
٣٦. وَقامَ بِالعَيبِ بَعدَ الشَهرِ مُدَّعِياً
إِنّي ظَنَنتُ بِغَيرِ العَيبِ إِن ظَهَرا
37. I hope for its annulment - does he have standing
Or no standing - issue a fatwa on what is famous
٣٧. أَرجو لَها بُرءَها هَل القِيامُ لَهُ
أَو لا قِيامَ لَهُ أَفتوا بِما شَهُرا
38. A seller of a horse taking sheep in exchange
Some died while an old defect can be seen
٣٨. وَبائِعٌ فَرَساً وَآخِذٌ غَنَماً
فَبَعضُها ماتَ وَالعَيبُ القَديمُ يُرى
39. How does he act regarding the animals' death, O wise one,
And the ruling on their unknown illness long passed?
٣٩. وَكَيفَ يَصنَعُ في مَوتِ البَهائِمِ ذي
وَحُكمُ عِلَّتِها الَّتي مَضَت غَبَرا
40. One who buys a camel to go to a town as well
When a thief seizes both it and the goods by force
٤٠. مَنِ اِكتَرى جَمَلاً أَيضاً إِلى بَلَدٍ
إِذا بِهِ اللِصُّ وَالمَتاعَ قَد ظَفَرا
41. Is the quantity of the distance exempted for the renter
From the lessor? O solver of complex issues!
٤١. هَل ساقِطٌ لَهُما قَدرُ مَسافَتِهِ
عَن مُكتَريهِ أَيا مَن حَلَّ مُختَصَرا
42. Does an animal necessitate its kind and vice versa, O wise one,
And interest contain evil and wickedness?
٤٢. هَل يقتَضي حَيَوانٌ عِندَ ذي نَظَرٍ
بِاللَّحمِ وَالعَكسِ وَالرِبا حَوى شَرَرا
43. Is the price of land paid by food impermissible?
Or not - are you well-versed in the sciences?
٤٣. هَل ثَمَنُ الأَرضِ بِالطَعامِ مُمتَنِعٌ
أَم لا أَمن هُوَ في العُلومِ قَد مَهَرا
44. Cancelling in food or murabaha sale
Or preemption - is it a binding sale conclusively?
٤٤. إِقالَةٌ في الطَعامِ أَو مُرابَحَةٌ
أَو شُفعَةٌ هِيَ بَيعٌ لازِمٌ بَتَرا
45. Or not, and it is not a binding sale for you
Is cancellation a sale that came to us in script?
٤٥. أَو لا وَلَيسَت بِبَيعٍ لازِمٍ لَكُم
أَمِ الإِقالَةُ بَيعٌ جاءَنا سَطَرا
46. One absent for prolonged travel, his wife
Called for intercourse, as it brought harm
٤٦. وَالغائِبُ الغَيبَةَ الطَويلَ في سَفَرٍ
زَوجَتُهُ قَد دَعَت لِوَطئِهِ ضَرَرا
47. By itself without maintenance - is divorce
Permissible for her or not, with no choice?
٤٧. ذا بِمُجَرَّدِهِ غَيرُ مَعيشَتِها
هَلِ الطَلاقُ لَها أَم لا وَلا خَيَرا
48. One you appointed to collect your goods, that is
Some price for your foodstuff in trade
٤٨. وَمَن وَكَّلتَ عَلى قَبضِ مَتاعِكَ أَي
مِن ثَمَنٍ لِطَعامِكَ الَّذي اِتَّجَرا
49. Ate all the collected food
Can you take similar food in compensation for fruit?
٤٩. قَد أَكَلَ الطَعامَ المَقبوضَ أَجمَعَهُ
هَل تَأخُذَن لِطَعامٍ مِثلِهِ ثَمَرا
50. What is the pronoun "they" referring to in the end
"Disobeying them" in the hadith between what is mentioned
٥٠. وَما ضَمير يَصِلونَ لِآخِرِهِ
يَعصِهِما في الحَديثِ بَينَ ما ذُكِرا
51. Emphasized or softened according to experts
Or incorrectly vocalized by an ignorant scholar?
٥١. قَولُ الخَطيبِ فَالاِعتِراضُ يَصحَبُهُ
أَو لا وَأَوضِح لَنا هَذا الَّذي سُتِرا
52. What is the difference between "no" and "yes"
The state of answering, O perceptive one?
٥٢. فَأَنتِ يا هِندُ لا تَرضَي بِفاحِشَةٍ
فَالضادُ مَفتوحَةٌ أَو عِندَكُم كُسِرا
53. Between an obligation and a recommendation when confused
And equity and justice - do not err and be cautious
٥٣. وَاِسمٌ يُثنى وَمُفرَدٌ وَتَجمَعُهُ
مُذَكَّرٌ وَمُؤَنَّثٌ بِذا اِعتَبَرا
54. Likewise, if two hadiths oppose each other for you
A command and prohibition, so what is commanded by it?
٥٤. وَالقَلبُ وَالبَدَلُ الصرفانِ عِندَكُمُ
ما الفَرقُ بَينَهُما أَيضاً لِمَن فَكَرا
55. Which of them, according to you, is acted upon
Your sea still casts pearls for us
٥٥. ما ضَبطُ هَينٍ وَلَينٍ في الحَديثِ أَتى
عَنِ النَبِيِّ الرَسولِ جاءَنا خَبَرا
56. Like the prohibition and obligation if they come
Which of them is given priority by the order?
٥٦. مُشَدَّدانِ لَدى أَهلِ البَراعَةِ أَو
مُخَفَّفانِ وَلَحن عالِمٍ قَذُرا
57. Likewise, if one of them comes with a permission for you
Which of them is given precedence and what is passed on?
٥٧. ما الفَرقُ بَينَ لا كَذا وَبَلى
حالُ الجَوابِ أَيا مَن أَمعَنَ النَظَرا
58. Between the reform and prevention, so which of them
Is preferred over the other that was composed?
٥٨. ما بَينَ شَرطٍ وَواجِبٍ لَمُلتَبِسٍ
وَالقِسط وَالقَسطِ لا تَغلَط وَكُن حَذِرا
59. The origin and custom, if opposed for you
What is given precedence between them, O great one?
٥٩. كَذا الحَديثانِ إِن تَعارَضا لَكُمُ
أَمراً وَنَهياً فَما الَّذي بِهِ أَمَرا
60. The origin and obvious meaning, O keen one
What is the difference between them? Judge for us openly
٦٠. أَيُّهُما عِندَكُمُ يَصحَبُهُ عَمَل
لا زالَ بَحرُكُمُ يُلقي لَنا دُرَرا
61. Regarding this contradiction in the words of Allah's Messenger
Which also came to us narrated
٦١. كَذا المُحَرَّمُ وَالواجِبُ أَن أَتَيا
أَيُّهُما عِندَكُم قَدَّمَهُ الأُمَرا
62. The best of witnesses is one who gave his testimony
Before being asked, by a ruler who was lost
٦٢. كَذاكَ أَحَدَيهما مَعَ جائِزٍ لَكُم
أَينَ المُقَدَّمُ مِنهُما وَما غَبَرا
63. Every ignorant person whose knowledge does not permit him
To do an act until he knows the news
٦٣. كَذا المُبيحُ وَمانِعٌ فَأَيُّهُما
مُقَدَّمٌ عَلى الآخَرِ الَّذي اِستَطَرا
64. If its doer coincides with truth without being asked
Has he sinned or been rewarded?
٦٤. وَالأَصلُ وَالعُرفُ أَن تَعارَضا لَكُمُ
فَما المُقَدَّمُ مِنهُما لَدا الكُبَرا
65. Inform me of a woman who inherited
An inheritance from their dead after he was buried
٦٥. وَالأَصلُ وَالظاهِرُ الجَلِيُّ يا فَطِنٌ
ما الفَرقُ بَينَهُما فَاِقضوا لَنا وَطَرا
66. One half, another one sixth
And another one third is their allotted share
٦٦. وَفي حَديثِ رَسولِ اللَهِ مُستَنَداً
هَذا التَعارُضُ أَيضاً جاءَنا أَثَرا
67. A woman who inherited from four
Each being her husband - half of all you see
٦٧. خَيرُ الشُهودِ الَّذي أَدّى شَهادَتَهُ
قَبلَ السُؤالِ لِحاكِمٍ وَقَد خَسرا
68. If you want more, I will quickly add
My sword shows itself emerging from its sheath
٦٨. وَكُلُّ جاهِل عِلم لا يَحُلُّ لَهُ
أَن يَفعَلَ الفِعلَ حَتّى يَعلَمَ الخَبَرا
69. Is there a bold expert to duel with me
As if he were a lion whose peers are dazzled?
٦٩. إِن كانَ فاعِلُهُ مِن غَيرِ مَسأَلِةٍ
قَد وافَقَ الحَقَّ هَل ياثِمُ أَو أُجِرا
70. The habit of two bulls, whenever they meet
Is to butt heads until the fleeing one takes off
٧٠. فَأَخبِروني عَن مَرأَةٍ وَرَثَت
إِرثاً لِمَيِّتِهم مِن بَعدِ ما قُبِرا
71. A lion needs to unsheathe his claws
To answer this question, needy for a response
٧١. وَواحِدٌ نِصفُهُ وَآخَرٌ سُدُسا
وَآخَرٌ ثُلُثاً نَصيبُهُم نَقَرا
72. So all of you, if you can, respond to it
In prose or verse as was conveyed to you
٧٢. وَاِمرَأَةٌ وَرِثَت إِرثاً مِن اِربَعَةٍ
فَكُلُّهُم زَوجُها نِصفَ الجَميعِ تَرى
73. Your sky of knowledge lightning with thunder
Hopefully rain will pour on us from the clouds
٧٣. إِن تَستَزيدوا أَزِد لَكُم عَلى عَجَلٍ
سَيفِيَ ذا يُبدي مِن غمدِهِ ظَهَرا
74. One who finds composing difficult, O astute one
And was no poet to produce prose
٧٤. هَل مِن شَجيعٍ وَماهِرٍ يُبارِزُني
كَأَنَّهُ أَسَدٌ أَقرانَهُ بَهَرا
75. Think well in this discussion
Between me and you, I am no pretender
٧٥. عادَةُ ثَورَينِ دائِماً إِذا اِلتَقَيا
يَنتَطِحانِ إِلى هُروب مَن نَفَرا
76. Good thinking is obligatory from excellent conduct
The epitome of glory is its good thinking, as ordered
٧٦. يَحتاجُ لَيثٌ لَإِخراجِ مَخالِبِهِ
في ذا السُؤالِ إِلى الجَوابِ مُفتَقِرا
77. If knowledge was sought for boasting, it would refuse
Except for the Lord of the heavens, who created
٧٧. فَكُلُّكُم بِجَوابِهِ إِن أَمكَنَكُم
نَظماً وَنَثراً كَما إِلَيكُمُ سُطِرا
78. So let one who answers, answer with evidence not passion
Your answers from you are awaited
٧٨. سَماءُ عِلمِكُمُ بِالرَعدِ بارِقَةٌ
عَسى مِنَ المُزنِ أَن تُمطِر لَنا مَطَرا
79. Send me a conclusive answer freeing distress
Like this answer you were prepared for
٧٩. وَمَن يَشُقّ عَلَيهِ النَظم يا فَطِناً
وَلَم يَكُن شاعِراً يَأتي بِما نُثِرا
80. Whoever sees a shortcoming in its composition
Let him correct it, I am constantly traveling
٨٠. فَحُسّنوا الظَّنَّ في هذا مذاكرةً
بَيني وَبَينَكُم وَلَستُ مُختَخِرا
81. Preoccupied by concerns and my breast seized by anxiety
Like me also, that is considered an excuse
٨١. فَحُسنُهُ واجِبٌ مِن خُلُقٍ حَسَنٍ
وَذَروَةُ المَجدِ حسنُهُ كَما أُمِرا
82. O Lord, bless our master forever
The best of those who performed hajj to Allah's House and `Umrah
٨٢. لَو طُلِبَ العِلمُ بِالفَخرِ بِهِ لأَبى
إِلّا لِرَبِّ السَمَواتِ الَّذي فَطَرا
٨٣. فَمَن يُجِب فَليُجِب بِالنَصِّ لا بِهَوىً
جَوابُكُم مِنكُمُ إِلى مُنتَظَرا
٨٤. عَجِّل عَلَيَّ جَواباً شافِياً غُلَلاً
لِمِثلِ هَذا الجَوابِ كُنتَ مُدَّخرا
٨٥. فَمَن رَأى مِنكُمُ في نَظمِها خَلَلاً
يُصلِحهُ إِنَّني مُلازِمٌ سَفَرا
٨٦. مَشغولُ بالٍ وَصَدري شابَهُ قَلَقٌ
مِثلِيَّ أَيضاً لِذا يُعَدُّ مُعتَذِرا
٨٧. يا رَبِّ صَلِّ عَلى سَيِّدِنا أَبَداً
أَفضَلُ مَن حَجَّ بَيتَ اللَهِ وَاِعتَمَرا