
The eloquent scholars who have savored

شيوخ البيان الذائقين حلاوة

1. The eloquent scholars who have savored
The sweetness of knowledge unfed to others

١. شُيوخُ البَيانِ الذائِقينَ حَلاوَةً
مِنَ العِلمِ لَم تُطعَم لِغَيرِ ذَويهِ

2. Peace from Allah, peace and mercy
Envelop you, sleepy and awake

٢. سَلامٌ مِنَ اللَهِ السَلام وَرَحمَةٌ
يَعُمّانِكُم مِن خامِلٍ وَنَبيهِ

3. A stranger's question without roaming his land
In distance, bewilderment connects to bewilderment

٣. سُؤالُ غَريبٍ دونَ شِنجيطَ أَرضِهِ
مِنَ البُعدِ تيهٌ يَتَّصِلنَ بِتيهِ

4. If the guide likens his face to the guide's face
Their faces become alike in the lost one's eyes

٤. إِذا شَبَّهَ الهادي بِها وَجهَ مُرشِدٍ
تَشابَهَ في عَينَيهِ وَجهُ مُتيهِ

5. Read it, O people of Fez, the answer
In eloquent, excellent phrasing

٥. قِراهُ لَدَيكُم أَهلَ فاسٍ جَوابُهُ
بِنَصِّ جَوابٍ في البَيانِ وَجيهِ

6. The knowledge of eloquence and its right rose with you
When fancy strayed into shaking thoughts

٦. سَما بِكُمُ علمُ البَيانِ وَحَقُّهُ
إِذا ما هَوى ظَنٌّ بِمُختِلِجيهِ

7. I ask you, what is the secret of our Lord's revelation
Blessed be His glory from His brother's vessel

٧. أُسائِلُكُم ما سِرُّ إِظهارِ رَبِّنا
تَبارَكَ مَجداً مِن وَعاءِ أَخيهِ

8. Yet nothing came from Him or from His vessel
For a subtle matter He then inspired His brother

٨. فَلَم ياتِ عَنهُ مِنهُ أَو مِن وِعائِهِ
لِأَمرٍ دَقيقٍ جَلَّ ثَمَّ يَخيهِ

9. If the secrets of meanings are hidden
Their visions are the thoughts of each prophet

٩. فَإِن تَكُ أَسرارُ المَعاني خَفِيَّةً
فَمرءاتُها أَفكارُ كُلِّ نَبيهِ

10. You, son of Zakariyya, are the verifying imam
You were unique in the world, with no peer

١٠. وَأَنتَ اِبنَ زُكرِيّ إِمامٌ مُحَقِّقٌ
تَفَرَّدتَ في الدُنيا بِغَيرِ شَبيهِ

11. If you delve into a sea you attain its pearls
And leave its spume and rubbish

١١. إِذا غُصتَ في بَحرٍ حَصَلتَ بِدُرِّهِ
وَخَلَّيتَ عَن سَفسافِهِ وَرَديهِ

12. It provides you in mastering sought knowledge
The analogy of a fundamentalist and text of a jurist

١٢. يَمُدُّكَ في إِتقانِ عِلمٍ تَبُتُّهُ
قِياسُ أُصولِيٍّ وَنَصُّ فَقيهِ

13. And may He who originated you as a star protect you
By it the lost seek guidance and perceive it

١٣. وَقاكَ الَّذي أَبداكَ كَالنَجمِ يَتَّقي
بِهِ الغَيَّ مَن يَبغي الهُدى وَيَعيهِ