
It is the appointed time that does not fail

هو الأجل الموقوت لا يتخلف

1. It is the appointed time that does not fail
And the past cannot be regretted by the sorrowful

١. هُوَ الأَجَلُ المَوقوتُ لا يَتَخَلَّفُ
وَلَيسَ يُرَدُّ الفائِتُ المُتَأَسِّفُ

2. We accept the decree of Allah, exalted is His majesty
Though the ignorant transgressor may be misguided in it

٢. رَضينا قَضاءَ اللَهِ جَلَّ جَلالُهُ
وَإِن ضَلَّ فيهِ الجاهِلُ المُتَعَسِّفُ

3. He is the Truth who rewards us for our deeds
And we spend from His bounties while He replaces

٣. هُوَ الحَقُّ يَجزينا ثَوابَ صَنيعِهِ
وَنُنفِقُ مِن خَيراتِهِ وَهوَ يُخلِفُ

4. He pardons and forgives much though we have not ceased
To do wrong while He remains Forbearing

٤. يُعافي وَيَعفو عَن كَثيرٍ وَلَم يَزَل
حَليماً وَما زِلنا نُسيءُ وَنُسرِفُ

5. How can praise suffice His rightful praise
As befits His glory, by tongue and letters

٥. فَكَيفَ يُؤَدّي حَمدَهُ حَقّ حَمدِهِ
كَما يَنبَغي مَجداً لِسانٌ وَأَحرُفُ

6. My God we fall short of what You deserve
And we fear while hoping in what is with You and tremble

٦. إِلَهي عَجزنا دونَ ما أَنتَ أَهلُهُ
وَخِفنا وَنَرجو ما لَدَيكَ وَنَرجُفُ

7. The hand of this world has gestured farewell to its people
And we almost see the tribulations while God gentles

٧. أَشارَت يَدُ الدُنيا بِتَوديعِ أَهلِها
وَكِدنا نَرى الأَشراطَ وَاللَهُ يَلطُفُ

8. We hoped You would be gracious and feared You would be just
So grant what we hope and spare us what we dread

٨. رَجَوناكَ مِفضالاً وَخِفناكَ عادِلاً
فَهَب ما نُرجي وَاكفُ ما نَتَخَوَّفُ

9. It is the bridge to the next so journey as a guest for a night
On it for all that is hosted and fed are transient

٩. هِيَ الجسر لِلأُخرى فَسِر ضَيفَ لَيلَةٍ
عَلَيها فَكُل ما تُستَضافُ وَتُعلَفُ

10. It tasks us with things beyond our capacity
And we cling to the impossible and exert

١٠. تُكَلِّفُنا أَشياءَ لا نَستَطيعُها
وَنَعلَقُ فيها بِالمُحالِ وَنَكلَفُ

11. As for its meanness, that is from selves
Harsh upon it, leaving what they were accustomed to

١١. فَأَمّا هَوانا طولُها فَلِأَنفُسٍ
شَديدٍ عَلَيها تَركُ ما كانَ تَألَفُ

12. Wayward fancies have confused us blindly
With no purpose sought in what they dispose

١٢. تَصَرَّفَتِ الهَوجاء فينا عَلى عَمىً
فَلا غَرَضٌ تَبغيهِ فيما تُصَرِّفُ

13. That is but the nature of a mere dog
Its disposition is only to act doggishly

١٣. وَما ذاكَ إِلّا أَنَّها جَدُّ كَلبَةٍ
وَما طُبِعَت إِلّا عَلى الكَلبِ تَصرِفُ

14. It smiles at every deficient one
And frowns in the face of the noble and bucks

١٤. يَبَشّ مُحيّاها إِلى كُلِّ ناقِصٍ
وَتَعبَس في وَجهِ الكَريمِ وَتَصدُفُ

15. Its joy is of no benefit balancing its sorrows
In what it destroys and ruins

١٥. وَلَيسَ يَفي فيها يُفيدُ سُرورُها
بِأَحزانِها فيما تُبيدُ وَتُتلِفُ

16. It is not pleased to gather possessions all together
Adorned with what it turns to and swears by

١٦. فَلا تَرضَها جَمعاءَ كَتعاءَ جُملَةً
تَحِلَّةَ ما تولي عَلَيهِ وَتَحلِفُ

17. It is no dwelling, though a erected palace
So how when this is its depth, a mere mirage

١٧. وَلا دارُ سُكنى وَهيَ قَصرٌ مُشَيَّدٌ
فَكَيفَ وَهَذا قاعُها وَهوَ صَفصَفُ

18. And asceticism in renouncing it, when it is filth
Clamor and din, though it poses as a blond lass

١٨. وَما الزُّهدُ في إلغائِها وَهيَ عَلقَمٌ
زُعاقٌ وَلَكِن وَهِيَ صَهباءُ قَرقَفُ

19. It passed not as one would hope but as
The like of Joseph son of Jacob, Joseph

١٩. مَضَت غَيرَ ما سُوف عَلى زَرَجونِها
وَلَكِن عَلى مِثلِ اِبنِ يوسُفَ يوسَفُ

20. Our model and guide is the Stricken One, our Shaykh
And our guiding light in what matters and rows

٢٠. فَتانا وَمُفتينا المُصيبُ وَشَيخُنا
وَنِبراسُنا فيما يَهُمُّ وَيَسدِفُ

21. He observes the outcomes of matters with insight
Pessimistic, surrendered to him and hailed

٢١. يُعايِنُ أَعقابَ الأُمورِ فَراسَةً
إِياسِيَّةً تُلقى إِلَيهِ وَتَهتِفُ

22. You hear of him such wondrous things you do not see
Better than what he would recount, more witty

٢٢. وَتَسمَعُ عَنهُ بِالعَجيبِ وَما تَرى
بِأَحسَنَ مِمّا كانَ يَروي وَأَطرَفُ

23. The hearts of enviers plot against him
But their mouths outpace them and expose

٢٣. تَهُمُّ قُلوبُ الحاسِدينَ بِغَمصِهِ
فَتَسبقُهُم أَفواهُهُم فَتُشَرَّفُ

24. Discerning in resolving quandaries as if
Revealing their secrets then disclosing

٢٤. بَصيرٌ بِحَلِّ المُشكِلاتِ كَأَنَّما
يُكاشِفُ عَن أَسرارِها ثُمَّ يَكشِفُ

25. Wise, the clouds of Wael and the vipers
Of Jurhum and Qaltaf have faded in him

٢٥. حَكيمٌ تَلاشى فيهِ سَحبانُ وائِلٍ
وَقِسٌّ وَأَفعى الجُرهُمِيُّ وَقَلطَفُ

26. And Thales, Pittacus, Ibn Waramis
And Euclid of the Elements and the Bishop

٢٦. وَرِسطا وَقِسطا وَاِبنُ وَهَرمُسٌ
وإِقليدِس ذو الجَوسَفَينِ وَاِسقُفُ

27. A cloud with the showers of al-Muzan
And a sea with the shells of virtues tossing

٢٧. غَمامٌ بِماءِ المُزنِ يَنهَلُ مُزنُهُ
وَبَحرٌ بِأَصدافِ المَكارِمِ يَقذِفُ

28. He has mastered the extremities of destiny and its ways
And he is none other than the Master and the Virtuous

٢٨. تَمَلَّكَ أَطرافَ القَضاءِ وَفِقهَهُ
وَما هُوَ إِلّا مالِك وَمُطَرَّفُ

29. The great works of Ibn Yusuf address him
This compiled book on the multiplicity of views

٢٩. تُخاطِبُنا كُبرى اِبن يوسُفَ عِندَهُ
دَعَوا كَثرَةَ الأَراءِ هَذا المُصَنّفُ

30. He knows in language and grammar what he wished in youth
So he grew versed in verifying and philosophizing

٣٠. دَرى في اللُّغى وَالنَّحوِ ما شاءَ في الصِبا
فَشَبَّ عَلى تَحقيقِهِ يَتَفَلسَفُ

31. He elucidates the verses of the Book while his breast
Is for its collected entirety the Uthmanic codex

٣١. يُجَوِّدُ آياتِ الكِتابِ فَصَدرُهُ
لِمَجموعِ ذي النورَينِ عُثمان مُصحَفُ

32. Lazy ears unaccustomed to knowledge
His teaching does not split and rip open

٣٢. عَواطِلُ آذانٍ مِنَ العِلمِ لَم يَكُن
يُقَرِّطُها تَدريسُهُ وَيُشَنَّفُ

33. He explicates it with the interpretation of an accomplished scholar
Drawing from the overflowing fount of knowledge

٣٣. يُفَسِّرُهُ تَفسيرَ حَبرٍ مُوَفَّقٍ
يُسَنّى لَهُ فَيضُ العُلومِ فَيَغرِفُ

34. Its generosity poured into his palm, Hatim's palm
And the mantle of forbearance wrapped over him

٣٤. نَضَت جودَها في كَفِّهِ كَفُّ حاتِمٍ
وَزَرَّ عَلَيهِ جُبَّة الحِلمِ أَحنَفُ

35. He aspires to noble virtues, those are his concern
And is passionate for them just as they are for him

٣٥. أَشَمُّ المَعالي هَمُّهُ وَهوَ هَمُّها
وَيشغَفُ فيها مِثلَ ما فيهِ تشغَفُ

36. Eyes fell short of him, yet he is as though
By seeing ought but them he was gouged and turned

٣٦. قَصَرنَ عَلَيهِ الطَرفِ وَهوَ كَأَنَّما
بِرُؤيا سِواها كانَ يَقذى وَيُطرَفُ

37. I did not know before him death a shaking
That would pound and crush the noble virtues

٣٧. وَما كُنتُ أَدري قَبلَهُ المَوتَ زَعزَعا
يُدَكدِكُ جودِيَّ المَعالي وَيَنسِفُ

38. Nor one in need that the son of Layla
Should rise upon the people a full moon then eclipse

٣٨. وَلا حاجِياً أَن يَستَهِلَّ اِبنُ لَيلَةٍ
عَلى النّاسِ بَدراً كامِلاً ثُمَّ يُكسَفُ

39. You have penetrated the prison of sorrow, so be patient a reward
He who rewarded Joseph will reward you, Joseph

٣٩. تَوَغَّلتَ سِجنَ الهَمِّ فَاِصبِرهُ حِسبَةً
يُجازيكَ مَن مَجزِيِّ يوسُفَ يوسُفُ

40. God wanted for you what is with Him
More fortunate, triumphing, and noble

٤٠. أَرادَ بِكَ اللَهُ الَّتي هِيَ عِندَهُ
أَحَظُّ وَأَحظى بِالمَفازِ وَأَشرَفُ

41. If all of mankind's sins were in one scale
Your reward would outweigh them and prevail

٤١. وَلَو أَنَّ آثامَ البَرِيَّةِ كِفةٌ
لَخَفَّت بِما فيها ثَوابُكَ يُصرَفُ

42. Give glad tidings, glad tidings, tell the mother of Ahmad what
Will be doubled for her from its reward and amplified

٤٢. وَبَخ بَخ وَبَشِّرِ أُمَّ أَحمَدَ بِالَّذي
يُثَنّى لَها مِن أَجرِهِ وَيُضَعَّفُ

43. So do not despair, O his parents, for his Lord
Is more merciful to him than parents, kinder

٤٣. فَلا تَجزَعا يا والِدَيهِ فَرَبُّهُ
أَبَرُّ بِهِ مِن والِديهِ وأَرأَفُ

44. And leave, and those you befriended, my love and those in whom
All my crookedness was set straight and cultivated

٤٤. وَخَلّي وَمَن أَصفَيتِ وُدّي وَمَن بِهِ
أُقيم اِعوِجاجي كُلَّهُ وَأُثَقّفُ

45. You have laid me on the thorns of loss yet your resting place
In the Firdaws is shelter and plush

٤٥. وأَفرَشتني شَوكَ القَتادِ وَإِنَّما
فَراشاكَ في الفِردَوسِ لاذٌ وَرَفرَفُ

46. And may what is best of the best reward you from it
And the Perfect Judge reward you

٤٦. وَجازاكَ عَنها خَيرَ خَيرٍ يَنالَهُ
وَيُجزى بِهِ الدَيّانَةُ المُتَحَنِّفُ

47. And he left for his Master the lowly and His people
So he has none but Him to yearn for

٤٧. وَخَلّى لِمَولاهُ الحَضيضَ وَأَهلَهُ
فَلَيسَ لَهُ إِلّا إِلَيهِ التَشَوُّفُ

48. Some ascribe his youth to his few years
While the learned ascribe his knowledge to the elders

٤٨. وَتَعزوهُ لِلأَحداثِ سِنٌّ صَغيرَةٌ
وَيَعزوهُ لِلأَشياخِ عِلمٌ يُؤَلَّفُ

49. I was amazed at his precedence in their counting
When they and he are pearls unpierced, untainted

٤٩. تَعَجَّبتُ مِن تَقديمِهِ عِندَ عدِّهِم
وَهُم وَهوَ عَقدُ السُؤدَد المَحضِ نَيفُ

50. He penetrated the knowledge of Sufism, taking
The path of asceticism, not self indulgence

٥٠. تَغَلغَلَ في عِلمِ التَصَوُّفِ آخِذاً
عَلى نَفسِهِ دونَ الحُظوظِ التَصَوُّفُ

51. You drew him near, when his soul was not pleased,
With that which does not draw near to His pleasure

٥١. وَأَدناكَ إِذا لَم تَرضَ نَفسُكَ حَيَّةً
بِما لَيسَ يُدني مِن رِضاهُ وَيُزلِفُ

52. My tongue grew tied speaking of him when he worried
So here I am, digressing in speech, excessive

٥٢. وَغَلَّ لِساني فيكَ ما غَمَّ خاطِر
فَها أَنا أَرسو في الكَلامِ وَأَرسُفُ

53. I have not fulfilled the least of his rights
Except to ramble eulogizing him, embellishing

٥٣. وَلَم أَقضِ أَدنى حَقِّهِ غَيرَ أَنَّني
أُبَهرِجُ في تَأبينِهِ وَأُزَخرِفُ

54. An elegy that does not anger God in its words
While grieving the heart as tears flow

٥٤. رَثاء الَّذي لا يُسخِطُ اللَهَ قَولُهُ
وَيَحزَنُ مِنهُ القَلبُ وَالعَينُ تَذرِفُ

55. I wished I were given eloquence in speech
That I may call out in it what I know

٥٥. تَمَنَّيتُ لَو أُعطيتَ في القَولِ بِسطَةً
فَأَهتِفُ فيهِ بِالَّذي أَنا أَعرِفُ

56. Yes how can a fleeting vanishing mortal
Draw from the endless ocean and bleed dry

٥٦. نَعَم كَيفَ يُفني غارِفٌ مُتَحَفِّنٍ
بِغرفَتِهِ البِحرَ المُحيطَ وَيَنزِفُ

57. He has qualities like the many stars
Some described and some beyond describing

٥٧. لَهُ شيمٌ مِثلُ النُجومِ عَديدَةٌ
فَمِنهُنَّ مَوصوفٌ وَما لَيسَ يوصَفُ

58. The limits of surpassing perfection which
The steeds of prose fall short of, halting

٥٨. وَغاياتُ سَبقٍ في الكَمالاتِ تَنتَهي
جِيادُ القَوافي دُونَهُنَّ وَتوقَفُ