1. And it was reported from Ibn Abd Allah that
By it we would distinguish the believers
١. وجاءَ عن ابن عبد الله أنا
بهِ كنّا نَمِيزُ المؤمنينا
2. So we recognize them by their love of Ali
And the hypocrites surely know
٢. فنعرفُهم بحبِّهمِ عَليّاً
وإن ذوي النفاقِ لَيَعرِفونا
3. By their hatred of the successor. Nay, far away
Are they! What do they resent Ali for?
٣. بِبغضِهمِ الوصيَّ ألا فبُعداً
لهم ماذا عليه يَنقَمونا
4. And among what the Helpers said was
The saying of the knowers, the experienced ones
٤. وممّا قالتِ الأنصارُ كانت
مقالةَ عارفين مُجرِّبينا
5. By their hatred of the Guide we recognized
And realized the hypocrisy of the hypocrites
٥. بِبِغْضهمِ إلى الهادي عَرفنا
وحقّقنا نِفاقَ منافقينا
6. And who has a house in the essence of bliss
And the generous meet him with handshakes
٦. ومن ذا دارُه في أصل طُوبى
وتَلقاهُ الكرامُ مصافِحينا
7. And rivers bursting with running
Waters overflowing wine and fresh water
٧. وأنهارٌ تَفجَّرُ جارياتٍ
تُفيض الخمرَ والماءَ المَعينا
8. And rivers of filtered honey
And pure without the pure of the stingy
٨. وأنهارٌ من العسل المصفَّى
ومحضُ غير محضِ الحاقِنينا
9. Were not his people the best of people and children
And the superior of them together they do not deny
٩. ألم يك خيرَهم أهلاً ووِلْداً
وأفضلَهم معاً لا يُنكرونا
10. Were not his family the best of mankind
And his grandson the chief of the successful
١٠. ألم يكُ أهلُه خيرَ الأنامِ
وسِبطاه رئيسَ الفائزينا
11. And O people who perfected faith be pleased
With the servants of God in Islam as a religion
١١. ومن أَكملتمْ الإيمانَ فارضُوا
عبادَ الله في الإسلام دينا
12. And he said no, by your Lord, they will not return
To you nor will they be believers
١٢. وقال فلا وربِّك لا يَفيئوا
إليكَ ولا يَكونوا مؤمِنينا