
In the story of the roasted bird when Muhammad

في قصة الطائر المشوي حين دعا

1. In the story of the roasted bird when Muhammad
Called upon his Lord with humble supplications

١. في قصّةِ الطائر المشويِّ حين دعا
محمدٌ ربّه دعواتِ مُبْتَهِلِ

2. Let the most beloved of all people enter me
Flying to You, so make him from it and make him my guardian

٢. أدخِلْ إليَّ أحبَّ الخلق كُلّهمِ
طُرّاً إليكَ فمنهُ واجعلنه وَليِ

3. After him came the best of creation, a man
Knocking on the door of the house at leisure

٣. فجاءَ من بعدِه خيرُ الورى رجلٌ
عليه يقرعُ باب البيتِ في مَهَلِ

4. So he said testing, "Who is this who has intimacy?"
So he said, “Ali has come, open for him!”

٤. فقال مختبراً من ذا له أنَسٌ
فقال جاء عليٌّ جُدْ بفتحِكَ لي

5. So he said, "Turn back and do not belittle Abu Hasan
For the Messenger of Allah is busy”

٥. فقال ترجعْ ولا تصغرْ أبا حسنٍ
فإنّ عنك رسولَ اللهِ في شُغُلِ

6. So he withdrew not far then he turned him
The Prophet called so he knocked the door again

٦. فانحازَ غيرَ بعيدٍ ثم أعطَفَه
دعا النبيَّ فدقَّ البابَ في رَسَلِ

7. So Ahmad said, "Who is this conversing
with him at the door? Let him enter, blessed is the man!"

٧. فقال أحمد من هذا تحاورُه
بالباب أدخلُه لا بوركتَ من رَجُلِ

8. So he got up hurriedly to open the door for him
And Haydar was standing at the door and did not stop

٨. فقام مبتَدِراً للبابِ يَفتَحُهُ
وحيدرٌ قائمٌ بالبابِ لَم يَزَلِ

9. Until Ahmad saw him with his eye
Greeted him and drew him near joyfully

٩. حتى إذا ما رأته عينُ أحمدِه
حيّا وقرَّبهُ تقريبَ مُحْتَفِلِ

10. So he said, "What is with you, tell me O Abu Hasan
Sit, may my father be sacrificed for you, O my comforter, so eat"

١٠. فقالَ ما بكَ قل لي يا أبا حسنٍ
اجلس فداك أبي يا مؤنسي فَكُلِ