
Blessed is he who spent the evening a follower of the Family of Muhammad

فطوبى لمن أمسى لآل محمد

1. Blessed is he who spent the evening a follower of the Family of Muhammad
Having as his Imams the two Masters, the cleansed and the purified

١. فطوبى لمن أمسى لآل محمدٍ
وليّاً إماماه شُبير وشُبَّرُ

2. And before them, the Guide, the executor of Muhammad’s will
Ali, the Commander of the Faithful, the Most Pure

٢. وقَبْلَهما الهادي وصيُّ محمدٍ
عليٌّ أميرُ المؤمنينَ المطهّرُ

3. And from his lineage, fragrant branches and sweet fruit
The Imams of Truth - their command is awaited

٣. ومن نَسله زُهرٌ فروعٌ أطايبٌ
أئمّةُ حقِّ أمرُهمْ يُتَنَظَّرُ