1. O son of my mother, for whom I would sacrifice my soul and possessions
You were my pillar, my refuge, my beauty
١. يا ابنَ أمّي فدَتكَ نَفسي ومالي
كنتَ رُكني ومَفْزَعي وجَمالي
2. By my life, if I were to leave you dead
Detained by grievous adversity befalling you
٢. ولَعمري لئنْ تركتُك مَيْتاً
رهنَ رَمْس ضَنكٍ عليك مُهالِ
3. Before long I will have you alive and well
Hearing, seeing, in the best of states
٣. لَوشيكاً ألقاكَ حيّاً صحيحاَ
سامِعاً مُبصِراً على خير حالِ
4. You have been resurrected from the graves, so you deny
After the bones had scattered
٤. قد بُعثتمْ من القُبورِ فأُبتم
بَعدما رُمّت العِظامُ البوالي
5. Or like the seventy newcomers with Moses
Who witnessed an awe-inspiring one of the awes
٥. أو كسبعينَ وافداً معَ موسى
عاينوا هائلاً من الأهوالِ
6. When in their wickedness they intended to see God
And how can the Sublime be seen?
٦. حينَ راموا من خُبثِهم رؤيةَ الل
هِ وأنّى بِرؤيةِ المُتعالي
7. So He struck them with a bolt that burned them
Then He revived them, He who does the incredible
٧. فَرماهمْ بِصَعقةٍ أحرقتهمْ
ثمّ أحياهم شديدُ المُحالِ