
O seller of religion for worldly gain

يا بائع الدين بدنياه

1. O seller of religion for worldly gain
This is not what Allah has ordained

١. يا بائعَ الدينِ بدنياهُ
ليس بهذا أمرَ اللهُ

2. So return to Allah and cast off desire
For in the Fire is where it will retire

٢. فارجعْ إلى الله وألقِ الهوى
إنّ الهوى في النارِ مأواهُ

3. You have made me hate Ali and his satisfaction
Yet Ahmad had accepted his station

٣. من ين أبغضتَ عليَّ الرضى
وأحمدٌ قد كانَ يَرضاهُ

4. You strive to deprive him today of what
The Messenger of God had granted

٤. جَهدُكُ أن تسلَبه اليومَ ما
كان رسولُ الله أعطاهُ

5. Who was it that Ahmad, from among them
On the day of Ghadeer Khumm had summoned

٥. من ذا الذي أحمدُ من بينِهم
يومَ غديرِ الخُمِّ ناداهُ

6. He established him among his companions
While gathered all around and named him

٦. أقامه من بينِ أصحابِهِ
وهم حَوالَيه فسمّاهُ

7. This is Ali son of Abu Talib
The master of whom I was his master

٧. هذا عليٌّ بنُ أبي طالبٍ
مولىً لِمن قد كنتُ مولاهُ

8. By the Lord of the Lofty Place who installed him
And be hostile to those who were his enemies

٨. فوالِ من ولاهُ يا ذا العُلى
وعادِ من قد كان عاداهُ

9. I was pleased with the Merciful as my Lord
And with Islam as the religion I forward

٩. رضيتُ بالرحمن ربّاً وبا
لإسلام ديناً أتوخّاهُ

10. With the Chosen Prophet as my guide
And all that he said we abide

١٠. وبالنبيِّ المصطفى هادياً
وكلُّ ما قالَ قبلناهُ

11. The guardian after the Prophet, the guiding one
Is Ali, the riser and his two sons

١١. وليُّنا بعد نبيٍّ الهدى
عليٌّ القائمُ وابناهُ

12. The silent scholar, the speaking one who
Concealed knowledge, was Baqir, it's true

١٢. والعالمُ الصامتُ والناطقُ ال
باقرُ عِلماً كان أخفاهُ

13. And Ja'far the informant of his grandfather's
First and last wisdom's order

١٣. وجعفرُ المخبرُ عن جدِّهِ
بأوّلِ العلمِ وأُخراهُ

14. Then his son Musa and after him the heir
To his knowledge and his affairs

١٤. ثم ابنُه موسى ومن بعدِهِ
وارثُه علمَ وصاياهُ