
Gabriel came, and the Prophet at dawn

أتى جبرئيل والنبي بضحوة

1. Gabriel came, and the Prophet at dawn
And said: Arise, though the people slumber

١. أتى جِبْرَئيلٌ والنبيُّ بِضَحوةِ
فقال أقِمْ والناسُ في الوَخْدِ تُمحَنُ

2. And convey, or you will not have conveyed the message
So he descended, and the people descended, then settled

٢. وبلِّغْ وإلاّ لم تبلِّغْ رسالةً
فحطَّ وحطَّ الناسُ ثمَّ وطَّنوا

3. Upon trees in Al-Ghadir that have endured
So he stood on the saddle, calling out and declaring

٣. على شجراتٍ في الغديرِ تقادَمَتْ
فقامَ على رحلٍ يُنادي ويُعلِنُ

4. "Now, whoever I am his master
Then his master after me is Ali, so obey him"

٤. وقال ألا مَنْ كنتُ مولاه منكمُ
فمولاه من بَعدي عليٍّ فأذعِنوا

5. So, the wretched one among them said to his companion
And how many wretched slander and cause strife

٥. فقال شقيُّ منهم لِقرينهِ
وكم من شقيٍّ يَستذلُ ويَفتنُ

6. They stretch out their paws against Ali, and he
When he was not given what he was adorned with, is excellent

٦. يَمدُّ بضبعيهِ علِيّاً وإنّه
لما بالذي لم يؤتَه لَمُزيَّنُ

7. As if there was no confidence in him in his heart
How strange he came, and from where can he be trusted

٧. كأن لم يكنْ في قلبِه ثقةٌ بهِ
فيا عجباً أتّى ومن أينَ يؤْمَنُ