
Tell Ibn Abbas, name Muhammad's

قل لابن عباس سمي محمد

1. Tell Ibn Abbas, name Muhammad's
Do not give the sons of Adi a dirham

١. قُلْ لابن عبّاسٍ سمِّي محمدٍ
لا تعطينّ بني عديٍّ دِرهما

2. Deprive the sons of Taim ibn Murrah, they are
The worst of creatures, the last and the first

٢. احرِمْ بني تيم بن مرّةَ إنّهم
شرُّ البَريَّةِ آخراً ومُقدَّما

3. If you give them, they will not thank you for a blessing
And they will reward you by blaming and insulting you

٣. إن تعطهم لا يَشكروا لكَ نعمةً
ويكافئوك بأنْ تُذمَّ وتُشتَما

4. And if you entrust them or employ them
They will betray you and take your taxes as spoils

٤. وإن ائتمنتهمُ أو استعملتهمْ
خانوك واتّخذوا خَراجَكَ مَغنما

5. And if you deprive them, they have already started with you
With deprivation when they ruled and were more unjust

٥. ولئن منعتهمُ لقد بَدأوكمُ
بالمنعِ إذ مَلكوا وكانوا أَظلما

6. They deprived the inheritance of Muhammad his uncles
And his two sons and his daughter Umm Kulthum

٦. مَنعوا تُراثَ محمدٍ أعمامَهُ
وابنَيه وابنَتَه عديلةَ مَريما

7. And they took power without being appointed
And what they did there was enough misfortune

٧. وتأَمَّروا من غير أن يُستَخلَفوا
وكفَى بما فعلوا هنالكَ مأَْتَما

8. They did not thank Muhammad for his favors
Will they thank others if they are gracious?

٨. لم يشكروا لمحمدٍ إنعامَهُ
أفيشكرونَ لغيرِهِ إن أنعما

9. And God favored them through Muhammad
And guided them, clothed the bare, and fed

٩. والله منَّ عليهم بمحمدٍ
وهداهمُ وكسا الجُنوبَ وأطعَما

10. Then they turned against his successor and guardian
With abominations, so they made him drink bitter poison

١٠. ثمّ انبروا لوصيّه وولِيِّهِ
بالمُنْكَراتِ فجرَّعوهُ العَلْقَما