
I swear by Allah and His signs

أقسم بالله وآلائه

1. I swear by Allah and His signs
And the bitter is as the questioned said

١. أقسمُ باللهِ وآلائِهِ
والمرُ عما قال مَسْؤولُ

2. That Ali son of Abu Talib
Is endowed with piety and righteousness

٢. أنّ عليَّ بنَ أبي طالبٍ
على التُّقى والبِرِّ مَجبولُ

3. And that he was the Imam who
Was preferred over the nation

٣. وأنّه كان الإمامَ الذي
له على الأُمّةِ تَفْضيلُ

4. He speaks the truth and cares for it
And is not distracted by falsehoods

٤. يقولُ بالحقِّ ويُعنى بهِ
ولا تُلَهِّيه الأباطيلُ

5. Whenever war presented its spears
And the cowards retreated from it

٥. كان إذا الحربُ مَرَتْها القَنا
وأحجمتْ عنها البَهاليلُ

6. He would walk to the battalion, in his hand
A sharp white sword

٦. يَمشي إلى القِرن وفي كفِّه
أبيضُ ماضي الحدِّ مَصقولُ

7. He walked steadily among his lions
He brought it out for the brave archers

٧. مشيَ العَفَرْني بين أشبالِهِ
أبرزَهُ لِلْقَنَصِ الغِيلُ

8. That is the one, who on a night
Mikael and Gabriel greeted

٨. ذاك الذي سلَّمَ في ليلةٍ
عليهِ ميكالُ وجِبِريلُ

9. Mikael with a thousand, and Gabriel with
A thousand, and Seraphiel follows them

٩. ميكالُ في ألفٍ وجِبريلُ في
ألفٍ وَيتلوهُمْ سَرافِيلُ

10. The night of Badr, they descended to provide support
As if they were a flock of ibises

١٠. ليلةَ بَدرٍ مَدداً أُنزلوا
كأنّهم طيرٌ أبابيلُ

11. So they greeted when they came near him
And that is veneration and glorification

١١. فسلّموا لمّا أتوْا حَذْوَهُ
وذاك إعظامٌ وتَبجيلُ