
That is the value of fire from its kindling

ذاك قيم النار من قيله

1. That is the value of fire from its kindling,
Take my enemy and leave my supporter

١. ذاك قيمُ النارِ من قِيلُهُ
خُذي عدوّي وذَري ناصِري

2. That is Ali ibn Abi Talib
The son-in-law of the Prophet Mustafa the Pure

٢. ذاك علي بن أبي طالبٍ
صهرُ النبيّ المصطفى الطاهرِ

3. Wahb told us, and he was a man
Who spoke the truth with eloquence from Jabir

٣. حدّثنا وهبٌ وكان امرأ
يَصدق بالمنطقِ عن جابرِ

4. That Ali saw the Chosen One
Receiving revelation from the All Powerful

٤. أنّ عليّاً عاينَ المصطفى
ذا الوحيِ من مُقتَد قادِرِ

5. He saw him bowed from hunger
God's blessings be upon him, the steadfast

٥. عاينَه من جوعِه مُطِرقاً
صلّى عليه اللهُ من صابرِ

6. And he remained like a devoted friend because of what he saw
Regarding his noble son-in-law

٦. وظلَّ كالوالِه مّما رأى
بِصِهرِه ذي النسب الفاخرِ

7. He was passing by someone with a wall
Watering without being hired

٧. يجولُ إذْ مرّ بذي حائطٍ
يَسقي بدلوٍ غير مستأجِرِ

8. He said to him, why do you make
Every bucket full that is apparent?

٨. قال له ما أنتَ لي جاعلٌ
بكلّ دلوٍ مُترَعٍ ظاهرِ

9. So he said I only have a date
In every bucket that is not lacking

٩. فقال ما عندي سوى تمرةٍ
بكلّ دلوٍ غيرَ ما غادرِ

10. So the Imam of Guidance made the bucket overflow
Watering with it from the well

١٠. فأترع الدلَو إمامُ الهدى
يَسقي به الماءَ من الخاسرِ

11. Until he drew twenty buckets
As the knowledgeable scholar said

١١. حتى استقى عشرينَ دلواً على
عَشر بقولِ العالِمِ الخابِرِ

12. Then he came with the date, striving with it
To his brother, not withholding

١٢. ثم أتى بالتمرِ يَسعى به
إلى أخيه غيرَ مستأثِرِ

13. So he said, what is this you brought us
May God guide you, visitor

١٣. فقال ما هذا الذي جئتَنا
به هداكَ اللهُ من زائرِ

14. So he told what had happened
In the immediate and later matter

١٤. فاقتصَّ ما قد كان من أمرِه
في عاجلِ الأمر وفي الآخر

15. Then he embraced him and supplicated his Lord
For him with lasting, untainted good

١٥. فضمَّه ثم دعا ربَّه
له بخيرٍ دائمٍ ما طِرِ