1. For Umm 'Amr there is, in the sands, a square enclosure
With flags concealed in the ground.
١. لأمِّ عمرٍو باللِّوى مَربَعُ
طامسةٌ أعلامُهُ بلْقعُ
2. The wild birds flee it
And lions quake with fear.
٢. تروحُ عنه الطيرُ وحشيّةً
والأُسدُ من خِيفَتِه تَفْزَعُ
3. It traces the plan of an abode wherein is no companion
Save the fox in the dust and the owl.
٣. برسمِ دارٍ ما بها مؤنِسٌ
إلاّ صِلالٌ في الثَّرى وقَّعُ
4. A mansion fearful of death when it sniffs,
And poison lurks in its jaws.
٤. رُقشٌ يخاف الموتُ من نَفْثِها
والسمُّ في أنيابها مُنْقَعُ
5. When the scout halted at its ruins,
And the eye overflowed with recognition,
٥. لما وقفنَ العِيسَ في رسمِه
والعينُ من عِرفانِهِ تَدمَعُ
6. I remembered what I was distracted from
I awoke with my grieving heart shot through.
٦. ذكرتُ ما قد كنتُ ألهو بهِ
فبتُّ والقلبُ شجٍ مُوجَعُ
7. It's as if Sirius, what suffering it inflicts,
Aims to melt my liver with yearning!
٧. كأنّ بالنارِ لما شَفَّني
من حبِّ أَرْوى كَبِدي تُلذَعُ
8. I was amazed by folk who came to Ahmad
With a message that lacked any place.
٨. عجبتُ من قومٍ أتَوْا أحمداً
بخُطّةٍ ليس لها موضِعُ
9. "If you wished, you could reveal to us,"
They said "where the answer lies, and the resolution,
٩. قالوا له لو شئتَ أعلمتَنا
إلى مَن الغايةُ والمَفْزَعُ
10. Should you die and so leave us
While amongst them are those ambitious for rule."
١٠. إذا توفيتَ وفارَقْتَنا
وفيهمُ في الملكِ من يَطمعُ
11. So he replied: "Even if I told you of a refuge,
What would you be able to do,
١١. فقالَ لو أعلمتكم مَفزَعاً
ماذا عَسيتمْ فيه أن تَصنعوا
12. like the People of the Calf when they deserted Aaron?
Departing from him is more fitting.
١٢. صنيعُ أهلِ العِجلِ إذْ فارقوا
هارون فالتَركُ لهُ أوْسَعُ
13. And the words he spoke make clear,
To anyone with an ear to hear,
١٣. وفي الذي قال بيانٌ لمن
كان له أُذنٌ بها يَسمَعُ
14. Then came to him a resolve
From his Lord which none can repel.
١٤. ثم أتتهُ بعدَ ذا عَزمةٍ
من ربِّه ليس لها مَدفَعُ
15. "Preach or you haven't conveyed,"
While God will protect them from harm.
١٥. أبلِع وإلاّ لم تكنْ مُبلغاً
واللهُ منهم عاصمٌ يَمنعُ
16. At this the Prophet rose — he who obeyed
When his Lord commanded — and took
١٦. فعندها قام النبيُّ الذي
كان بما يأمرُهُ يَصدَعُ
17. The hand of Ali in his, a light in his palm
That flashes radiances. One hand that lifts,
١٧. يَخطب مأموراً وفي كفِّه
كفُّ عليٍّ نورُها يَلْمَعُ
18. The nobler hand, lifts the hand that is lifted.
And the angels around him bear witness —
١٨. رافِعُها أكرمْ بكفِّ الذي
يَرفع والكفِّ التي تُرفعُ
19. With God present amongst them — as he declares:
"Whoever I am his master, this man here is his master."
١٩. يَقولُ والأملاكُ من حولِهِ
والله فيهم شاهدٌ يَسمَعُ
20. Yet still they were not satisfied or convinced.
So they accused and denied the truthful, firmly rooted one.
٢٠. من كنتُ مولاه فهذا له
مولىً فلم يَرضَوا ولم يَقنعوا
21. But a people were led astray by their malice
As though their nostrils had been sliced!
٢١. فاتّهموه وانحنت منهمُ
على خلافِ الصادقِ الأضلُعُ
22. Until when they buried him in his grave,
And they dispersed after interring him, they neglected
٢٢. وضلّ قوم غاظَهم قولُه
كأنّما آنافهمْ تُجدَعُ
23. What he had yesterday enjoined and bequeathed.
They bought delusion for guidance.
٢٣. حتى إذا وارَوْهُ في قبرِه
وانصرفوا من دفِنهِ ضيَّعوا
24. They severed their ties of kinship after him.
So they will be recompensed for what they severed.
٢٤. ما قال بالأمسِ وأوصى به
واشتروا الضُرَّ بما يَنفعُ
25. They schemed treachery against his deputy,
Damn what they plotted!
٢٥. وقطّعوا أرحامَه بعدَهُ
فسوف يُجزون بما قطّعوا
26. They shall not gain access tomorrow to his basin,
Nor he intercession amongst them.
٢٦. وأزمعوا غدراً بمولاهمْ
تبّاً لما كانوا به أزمَعوا
27. A basin, its span from Ayla to Sanaa in Sham's land,
Or vaster still... There shall be erected for it
٢٧. لا هم عليه يَردوا حوضَهُ
غداً ولا هُوْ فيهمُ يَشفعُ
28. A standard for guidance, while the basin
Gushes with a torrent from which all drink.
٢٨. حوضٌ له ما بين صَنعا إلى
أيلةَ أرضِ الشامِ أو أوسَعُ
29. Flowing from His mercy a generosity
Whiter than silver or more brilliant.
٢٩. يُنصبُ فيه علمٌ للهُدى
والحوضُ من ماءٍ له مُترَعُ
30. Its pebbles are ruby and pearls —
No fingertip has ever touched the like!
٣٠. يَفيض من رحمته كوثرٌ
أبيضُ كالفضّةِ أو أنصَعُ
31. Its ground is musk, its borders shake
As sweet basil sways delicately.
٣١. حَصاهُ ياقوتٌ ومَرجانة
ولؤلؤٌ لم تَجنِهِ إصْبَعُ
32. The green growth below paradise flourishes,
What blooms above stirs with a saffron radiance.
٣٢. بَطحاؤه مِسك وحافاتُه
يَهتزُّ منها مونِقٌ مُونِعُ
33. Essences waft on its breeze
When the wind blows them about gently.
٣٣. أخضرُ ما دونَ الجَنى ناضرٌ
وفاقعٌ أصفرُ ما يَطلُعُ
34. A wind commanded, blowing without cease,
From gardens that suffer no decay.
٣٤. والعِطرُ والرّيحانُ أنواعُهُ
تَسطعُ إن هبَّتْ به زَعْزَعُ
35. When it passes by it, the purest musk diffuses
More fragrant than when first it flows.
٣٥. ريحٌ من الجنَّةِ مأمورةٌ
دائمةٌ ليس لها مَنزعُ
36. In it are vessels and cups
From which even the starving glutton drinks his fill.
٣٦. إذا مَرته فاحَ من ريحِه
أزكى من المِسك إذا يَسطَعُ
37. Ibn Abi Talib shields them from those
Who approach to drink like she-camels lifting their tails.
٣٧. فيه أباريقُ وقِدْحانُه
يَذبُّ عنها الأنزعُ الأصْلَعُ
38. When they draw near to imbibe,
They are told "Damn you, go back!
٣٨. يذبُّ عنه ابن أبي طالبٍ
ذبَّكَ جَربى إبلٍ تَشْرَعُ
39. "Continue to impoverished pastures,
Which feed or quench appetites,"
٣٩. إذا دنوا منه لكي يَشربوا
قيلَ لهم تبّاً لكم فارجِعوا
40. This is for those who befriended Ahmad's family
And followed none but them.
٤٠. دونكموا فالتمسوا مَنهلاً
يُريكم أو مَطعماً يُشْبعُ
41. So triumph belongs to those who drink from his pool,
While woe and degradation befall those debarred!"
٤١. هذا لمن والى بني أحمدٍ
ولم يكنْ غيرَهمُ يَتْبَعُ
42. The people, on the Day of Gathering, their signs
Are five, while four-fifths are damned.
٤٢. فالفوزُ للشاربِ من حوضِه
والويلُ والذلُّ لمن يَمنَعُ
43. Their vanguard is the Calf, and their Pharaoh
Is the terrible antichrist.
٤٣. فالناسُ يومَ الحَشرِ آياتُهم
خَمسٌ فمنهمْ هالكٌ أربَعُ
44. As is the apostate, defective and jet black,
A worshipper of Lat and Uzza, hunchbacked.
٤٤. قائدُها العِجلُ وفِرعونها
وسامريُّ الأمةِ المُفْظِعُ
45. And there is the banner whose leader
Will shine like the rising sun.
٤٥. ومارقٌ من دينه مِخْدَجٌ
أسودٌ عبدٌ لُكَعٌ أَوْكَعُ
46. The chosen one, Haydar, will meet the Prophet
As the standard of praise is raised.
٤٦. ورايةٌ قائِدُها وجهُه
كأنّه الشمسُ إذا تطلُعُ
47. With the Garden commanded concerning him,
And Hellfire shrinking before his awe.
٤٧. غداً يلاقي المصطفى حيدرٌ
ورايةُ الحمدِ له تُرفَعُ
48. The Imam of the Truth whom followers assist
As they drink from the pool without being denied.
٤٨. مولىً له الجنّةُ مأمورةٌ
والنارُ من إجلالِه تَفْزَعُ
49. So it was that revelation came from our Lord:
"O partisans of Truth, have no fear!"
٤٩. إمامُ صدقٍ وله شيعةٌ
يُرووا من الحوض ولم يُمنعوا
٥٠. بذاك جاءَ الوحيُ من ربِّنا
يا شيعةَ الحقِّ فلا تَجزعوا