
He raged against the eminent, blaming him

وأهوج لاحى في علي وعابه

1. He raged against the eminent, blaming him
For shedding the blood of men who had turned Jewish,

١. وأهوجَ لاحى في عليٍّ وعابَهُ
بسفكِ دماءِ من رِجالٍ تَهَوَّدوا

2. Yet the blood of those apostates which he shed
Was by divine sanction binding upon him.

٢. وتلك دماءُ المارقينَ وسفكُها
من اللهِ ميثاق عليهِ مؤكّدُ

3. They broke, by their hypocrisy, their plighted oath -
As they had earlier sinned, then raged and thundered.

٣. هم نَكثوا إيْمانَهم بِنِفاقهمْ
كما أبرقوا من قبل ذاكَ وأرعَدوا

4. How dare a man who, since first he reached manhood,
Had prayed and worshipped God in true unison,

٤. أتَلْحى امرأ ما زال مذ هو يافعٌ
يُصلِّي ويُرضي ربَّه ويُوحِّدُ

5. When previously idols, ere he paid homage,
Were circumambulated daily and adored?

٥. وقد كانت الأوثانُ قبلَ صَلاتِه
يُطاف بها في كلِّ يومٍ وتُعبَدُ