
I bear witness by Allah and His signs

أشهد بالله وآلائه والمرء

1. I bear witness by Allah and His signs
And man is rewarded for his truthfulness

١. أَشْهدُ باللهِ وآلائِه
والمرءُ مأجورٌ على صِدقِهِ

2. That Ali ibn Abi Talib
Was the trustee of Allah among His creation

٢. أن عليّ بنَ أبي طالبٍ
كان أمينَ اللهِ في خَلقِهِ

3. No one preceded people to any goal
Except that he surpassed them by his precedence

٣. ما استبقَ الناسُ إلى غايةٍ
إلاّ حَوى السّبْقَ على سَبْقِهِ