
Say to Sawwar ibn Abi Shamla

قولا لسوار أبي شملة

1. Say to Sawwar ibn Abi Shamla,
"O you who are unique in hostility and shame,

١. قولا لسّوارٍ أبي شملةٍ
يا واحداً في النَوْك والعارِ

2. What I said about the bird is not what
You reported with your false traces.

٢. ما قلتُ في الطير خلافَ الذي
رويتَه أنت بآثارِ

3. And the story of the mosque when
He gave it special status, removing it

٣. وخبر المسجدِ إذ خصَّه
محلَّلا من عَرصة الدارِ

4. From being like any other house,
Whether he was pure or had major impurity,

٤. إن جُنُباً كان وإن طاهِراً
في كلّ إعلانٍ وإسرارِ

5. And he removed all others from it
By revelation from the Sender of the Quran.

٥. وأخرج الباقين منه معاً
بالوحي من إنزالِ جَبَّارِ

6. Love for Ali and Hussein together
And the pure al-Hasan of the pure ones,

٦. حُبّاً عليّاً وحُسيناً معاً
والحَسَن الطُهرَ لأطهارِ

7. And Fatima the people of the cloak
Who were privileged with honor and preference.

٧. وفاطماً أهلَ الكساءِ الأولى
خُصّوا بإكرامٍ وإِيثارِ

8. So whoever hates them, God sees his hatred
And he will end up in disgrace and hellfire

٨. فمبغضُ الله يَرى بُغضَهم
يَصيرُ للخِزيِ وللنّارِ

9. Branded by the Lord of the Throne because of his deed
A brand seen by the distant traveler.

٩. عليهِ من ذي العرشِ في فعلِه
وسمٌ يراه الغائبُ الزاري

10. And you, O Sawwar, are a chief of them
Seeking revenge in every disgrace.

١٠. وأنت يا سوّار رأسٌ لهم
في كلِّ خِزي طالبُ الثارِ

11. You fault the one who established brotherhood with the best of creation
Among the pure and virtuous ones.

١١. تَعيب من آخاهُ خيرُ الورى
من بين أطهارٍ وأخيارِ

12. And he said about his father-in-law, declaring openly
What they did not deny.

١٢. وقال في خُمِّ له معلِناً
ما لم يُلقّوْه بإِنكارِ

13. Whoever I am his master, this is his master too
So do not be ungrateful disbelievers."

١٣. من كنتُ مولاه فهذا له
مَولىً فكونوا غيرَ كفَّارِ

14. So rely on him after me, and do not
Seek out the mirage of the active imaginations.

١٤. فعوِّلوا بعدي عليهِ ولا
تَبغوا سرابَ المهمِهِ الجاري

15. "Whoever I am his master, this is his master too
So do not refuse with disbelief."

١٥. من كنتُ مولاهُ فهذا له
مَولىً فلا تَأبوا بتكفارِ

16. They acted aggressively against Ahmad regarding his neighbor
While God had commanded him about the neighbor.

١٦. جاروا على أحمدَ في جارِه
واللهُ قد أوصاهُ بالجارِ

17. He is his neighbor in a pure mosque
And was not part of any household.

١٧. هو جارُه في مسجدٍ طاهرٍ
ولم يكن من عَرصة الدارِ

18. I am more knowledgeable of what was
Whether openly or secretly.

١٨. أربى بما كان وأربى بما
في كلّ إعلانٍ وإسرارِ

19. And he removed all the others from it
By revelation from the Sender of the Quran."

١٩. وأخرجَ الباقين منهُ معاً
بالوحيِ من إنزال جَبَّارِ