
When I saw people going astray in religion,

ولما رأيت الناس في الدين قد غووا

1. When I saw people going astray in religion,
I followed the path of Allah with those who followed the path.

١. ولما رأيتُ الناسَ في الدين قد غَوَوْا
تجعفرتُ باسم اللهِ فيمن تَجعفروا

2. I proclaimed the name of Allah, and Allah is the Greatest,
And I was certain that Allah forgives and pardons,

٢. وناديتُ باسم اللهِ واللهُ أكبرُ
وأيقنتُ أنّ اللهَ يَعفو ويَغفِرُ

3. And affirms whatever He wills by His command,
And erases and decides in matters and determines.

٣. ويُثبت مهما شاءَ ربّي بأمرِهِ
ويمحو ويقضي في الأُمورِ ويَقدِرُ

4. I adhered to a religion other than what I used to adhere to,
And the master of people, Ja'far, prohibited me.

٤. ودِنتُ بدينٍ غير ما كنت داينا
به ونَهاني سيّدُ الناسِ جعفرُ

5. So I said: "Forgive me, for I became Jewish for a while,
Otherwise my religion is the religion of one who becomes Christian."

٥. فقلتُ فهَبني قد تهوّدتُ برهةً
وإلاّ فدِيني دينُ من يَتَنَصَّرُ

6. And indeed I repent to the Most Merciful for that,
And indeed I have submitted, and Allah is the Greatest.

٦. وإنّي إلى الرحمن من ذاك تائبٌ
وإنّي قد أسلمتُ واللهُ أكبرُ

7. So I am not going back as long as I live, and I am returning
To what I used to conceal and harbor.

٧. فلستُ بغالٍ ما حييتُ وراجعٌ
إلى ما عليه كنتُ أُخفي وأُضمرُ

8. No living being is pleased with Muhammad's approval
Even if an ignorant person criticizes my sayings and increases them

٨. ولا قائلٌ حيٌّ برَضوى محمدٌ
وإن عابَ جهّالٌ مَقالي فأكثروا

9. But it is from what has passed, for its path,
In the best of states to be followed and informed.

٩. ولكنّهُ ممّا مَضى لِسبيلِهِ
على أفضلِ الحالات يُقفى ويُخبرُ

10. With the good, the pure, the foremost for them
From the Chosen One a pure, excellent branch.

١٠. مع الطّيبين الطاهرينَ الأولى لهمْ
من المصطفى فرعٌ زَكيٌّ وعُنصرُ