
A stranger said to the Prophet, "I am a stranger,

قائل للنبي إني غريب

1. A stranger said to the Prophet, "I am a stranger,
Hungry, I have come to you seeking refuge."

١. قائِلٌ للنبيّ إنّي غريبٌ
جائعٌ قد أتيتُكم مُستجيرا

2. The Chosen One wept and said, "A stranger!
Let there be no hardship for a stranger in my abode."

٢. فبكى المصطفى وقال غريبٌ
لا يكن للغريب عندي ذُكورا

3. Ali said, "I will host the stranger."
"Go rewarded," he told the guest.

٣. من يضيف الغريب قال عليّ
أنا للضيفِ انطلقْ مأجورا

4. The Prophet's cousin said, "We have a little extra food."
He said, "That will be sufficient," though it was meager.

٤. ابنةَ العمّ عِندَنا شيءٌ من الزا
د فقالت أراه شيئاً يَسيرا

5. "Prepare it, for God may make little into plenty,"
Then she blew out the lamp so he wouldn't see her

٥. كفُّ بُرٍّ قال اصنعيه فإنّ
الله قد يجعلُ القليلَ كثيرا

6. And emptied her pantry to fill his dish.
The guest struggled to grasp morsels in the dark

٦. ثمّ اطفي المصباحَ كي لا يراني
فأخلّي طعامَه موفورا

7. As the host pointed him toward the feast.
The angels of God were amazed by you

٧. جاهدٌ يلمظ الأصابعَ والضي
فُ يَراه إلى الطعام مُشيرا

8. And you pleased the All-Aware, the Subtle.
He told them, "They prefer others over themselves,"

٨. عجبت منكم ملائكةُ الل
ه وأرضيتم اللطيفَ الخبيرا

9. And said, "That is tremendous virtue."

٩. ولهم قال يؤثرون على أن
فسِهمْ قال ذاك فضلاً كبيرا