1. Muhammad stood at Ghadir Khumm
And called out in a resonant voice
١. وقامَ محمد بغديرِ خُمّ
فنادى معِلناً صوتاً نَديّا
2. To all who came, Arab or non-Arab
And they gathered humbly around his tent
٢. لمن وافاه من عَرَب وعُجْمٍ
وحَفُّوا حولَ دوحتِه حَنِيّا
3. "Know that whoever takes me as his master
Ali here is now his master too
٣. ألا مَنْ كنتُ مولاه فهذا
له مولى وان به حَفياً
4. Protect him sincerely as his faithful guardian"
One of them objected in secret
٤. إلهي عادِ من عادى عليّاً
وكن لوليِّه مولىًُ وليّا
5. "By your father's life, if he could
After you he would make this man a prophet too"
٥. فقالَ مخالفٌ منهم عُتُلّ
لأولاهم به قولاً خَفِيّا
6. But we oppose their evil counsel
And do not wish for strife or enmity
٦. لعمرُ أبيكَ لو يستطيع هذا
لصيَّر بعدهُ هذا نبيَّا
7. The trustee of Muhammad, his sons' father
His heir, his steadfast, loyal knight
٧. فنحن بسوء رأيهما نُعادي
بني فُعَلٍ ولا نَهوى عَدِيّا
8. Granted guidance and wisdom as a child
As John was given while still a boy
٨. وصيَّ محمدٍ وأبا بنيه
ووارثَه وفارسَه الوفيّا
9. Did he not receive guidance while people were confused?
And profess God's oneness, the Most High?
٩. وقد أوتي الهُدى والحُكمَ طِفلاً
كَيَحينى يومَ أوتيه صَبِيّا
10. He prayed towards Jerusalem years
While it was banned, enduring patiently
١٠. ألم يؤتَ الهُدى والناسُ حَيرى
فوحَّد ربَّه الأحدَ العَليّا
11. The Book bears witness to him--do not reject
Its signs, deaf and blind
١١. وصلّى ثانياً في حال خوفٍ
سنينَ تحرَّمت سبعاً أسيّا
12. Purified from all impurity by him
And named the immaculate, faithful one
١٢. له شَهِدَ الكتابُ فلا تَخِرّوا
على آياته صُمّاً عُميّا
١٣. بتطهيرٍ أُميطَ الرِّجسُ عنه
وسُمي مؤمناً فيه زَكيّا