1. The son of Hind's king and the son of Arwa before him
Ruled with the knotting of his firm resolve
١. ملكَ ابنُ هندٍ وابن أروى قبلَه
مُلكاً أمّر بحَلِّهِ الإِبرامُ
2. And the latter added to Yazid and his kingdom
A sin upon him in the world and evil
٢. وأضاف ذاك إلى يزيدَ وملكُه
إثمٌ عليهِ في الوَرى وعُرامُ
3. God has disgraced Bani Umayyah, indeed they
Oppressed the servants with what they came with and insisted upon
٣. أخزى الإلهُ بني أميّة إنّهم
ظلموا العبادَ بما أتوه وخاموا
4. Their ancestors have slept and their star has fallen
And the star falls while the ancestors sleep
٤. نامت جدُودُهُمُ وأُسقِطَ نَجمُهم
والنجمُ يَسقُطُ والجدودُ تَنامُ
5. The women of Bani Umayyaan have wept for them
While their sons are in a lost state, orphans
٥. إيمت نساءُ بني أميّةَ منهمُ
وبَنوهم بمَضيعةٍ أَيتامُ
6. Umayyah grieved over the rule of Hashim
And cried - and over them Islam has cried
٦. جزعتْ أميّةُ من ولايةِ هاشمٍ
وبكتْ ومنهم قد بكى الإسلامُ
7. If they grieve, then a state has come upon them
In which the days revolve around them
٧. إن يجزعوا فلقد أتتهم دولةٌ
وبها تَدول عليهمُ الأيّامُ
8. And every month they will have months
And every year just years
٨. ولهم يكونُ بكلِّ شهرٍ أشهرُ
وبكلِّ عام واحدٍ أعوامُ
9. O family of Ahmed, indeed He who gave you
Has for you an increase and completion
٩. يا رهطَ أحَمد إنّ من أعطاكُمُ
ولكمْ لديهِ زيادةٌ وتَمامُ
10. He returned the inheritance and the caliphate among you
While the sons of Umayya are humbled and submissive
١٠. رد الوراثة والخلافة فيكم
وبنو أمية صاغرون رغام
11. The One who gave you will complete for you
And with Him for you is increase and perfection
١١. لمتمم لكم الذي أعطاكم
ولكم لديه زيارة وتمام
12. You are the cousins of the Prophet, upon you
From the Lord of Majesty, greetings and peace
١٢. أنتم بنو عمِّ النبيِّ عليكمُ
من ذي الجلالِ تحيّةٌ وسلامُ
13. And you inherited him and were most worthy of him
For loyalty is upheld by relations
١٣. وورثتموه وكنتمُ أولى به
إن الولاءَ تَحوزُه الأرحامُ
14. I have not ceased knowing your merit and loving you
My heart is upon it and I am but a lad
١٤. ما زلت أعرف فضلَكم ويُحبّكمْ
قلبي عليهِ وإنّني لَغلامُ
15. I am hurt and insulted because of you and am struck
By one of relation with estrangement and blame
١٥. أوذى وأُشتمُ فيكم ويُصيبني
من ذي القَرابة جَفوةٌ ومَلامُ
16. Until I reached the extent of old age and became
From my burdens as if they are loads
١٦. حتى بلغتُ مَدى المشيبِ وأَصبحتُ
مِني القرونُ كأنّهنَّ ثَغامُ