1. I bear witness by Allah and His signs
And man is asked about what he said
١. أَشْهدُ باللهِ وآلائِه
والمرءُ عمّا قاله يُسأَلُ
2. That Ali son of Abi Talib
Is the just Caliph of Allah
٢. أن عليّ بنَ أبي طالب
خليفةُ اللهِ الذي يَعدِلُ
3. And that he was to Ahmed
As Aaron was without being sent
٣. وأنّه قد كان من أحمدٍ
كمثلِ هارونَ ولا مُرْسَلُ
4. But a trustee with him storing
Knowledge from Allah by which he acts
٤. لكن وصيٌّ خازنٌ عندَه
عِلمٌ من اللهِ به يَعمَلُ
5. He stood on the day of Dawh, best of people
With his face towards people welcoming
٥. قد قام يوم الدَّوح خيرُ الوَرى
بوجههِ للناسِ يَستَقْبِلُ
6. And said whoever I was his master
So this is his master, to you is the return
٦. وقال من قد كنتُ مولىً لهُ
فذا له مَولى لكم مَوئِلُ
7. But consult Ali the guided one
Not to support him and to let down
٧. لكنْ تَواصوا بِعليِّ الهُدى
أن لا يُوالوهُ وأن يَخْذُلوا