
In that same group of chains from Sulaym,

وفي ذات السلاسل من سليم

1. In that same group of chains from Sulaym,
The next morning death, the annihilator, came upon them.

١. وفي ذاتِ السلاسلِ من سُلَيْمٍ
غداةَ أتاهمُ الموتُ المُبيرُ

2. They had defeated Abu Hafs 'Umayr
And his companion Mirar, so they took flight.

٢. وقد هَزموا أبا حفصٍ عميراً
وصاحبَهُ مِراراً فاستُطيروا

3. They had killed a group of the Ansar,
So vows became binding or debts came due.

٣. وقد قَتلوا من الأنصارِ رهطاً
فحلّ النَّذرُ أو وجبتْ نُذورُ

4. Death donned the garb of elderliness, deceptively stout,
With which it blocks up the passes.

٤. أزار الموتَ مشيخةً ضِخاماً
جَحاجحةً تُسدُّ بها الثغورُ

5. And 'Amr was given a poisoned cup at Sal',
Most bitter, as if he were a raiding lion.

٥. وعمرو قد سُقي كأساً بِسَلْعٍ
أقبُّ كأنّه أسدٌ مُغيرُ

6. So he called out, "Is there anyone of repute, a helper?
Is there anyone with me, a righter of wrongs?"

٦. فنادى هل بذي حَسَبٍ بِرازٌ
وهل عندَ امرئٍ حرٍّ نكيرُ

7. The trustee of Muhammad and keeper of confidential talk,
And how excellent the brother of the imamate and vizierate!

٧. وصيُّ محمدٍ وأمينُ غيبٍ
ونعمَ أخو الإمامةِ والوزيرُ

8. Whenever a revelation would descend upon him,
The hearts of the people would be straitened by it.

٨. إذا ما آيةٌ نَزلت عليه
يَضيقُ بها من القومُ الصُّدورُ

9. But it expanded his breast and nested upon his ribs,
And his conscience absorbed it completely.

٩. وعاها صدرُهُ وحنت عليها
أضالِعُهُ وأحكَمَها الضميرُ

10. They are two brothers, both rightly guided,
And the one is for his community a warner.

١٠. هما أخَوان ذا هادٍ إلى ذا
وذا فينا لأُمّته نذيرُ

11. So Ahmad is a warner, and his brother Had
A guide who neither leads astray nor causes confusion.

١١. فأحمدُ منذرٌ وأخوه هادٍ
دليلٌ لا يَضِلُّ ولا يَحيرُ

12. Like a runner on the racetrack who has a shelter
In front of the horses where the keen-sighted one can see.

١٢. كسابقِ حَلبةٍ وله مَظَلٌّ
أمامَ الخيلِ حيثُ يَرى البصيرُ