
I hope for a drink from his basin,

أؤمل في حبه شربة

1. I hope for a drink from his basin,
That brings together security and plentiful water.

١. أؤمّلُ في حبِّه شَربةً
من الحَوض تجمع أمناً ورِيّا

2. If we come to his basin tomorrow,
He brings near the fortunate and wards off the wretched.

٢. إذا ما وَردنا غداً حوضَه
فأدنى السعيدَ وذادَ الشقيّا

3. Whenever his Master draws near him, he says:
“Put back the basin and drink happily and freely.”

٣. متى يدنُ مولاهُ منه يَقُلْ
رِدِ الحوضَ واشرب هَنِيّاً مَريّا

4. And if an enemy draws near him,
Ali wards him off to a faraway place.

٤. وإن يدنُ منه عدوٌّ له
يَذُدْه عليٌّ مكاناً قصيّا

5. And the day of parting, the day of farewell,
When I set out towards arduous Tubuk,

٥. ويومَ الثَنّيةِ يوم الوَداع
وأزمع نحوَ تبوكِ المُضِيّا

6. He came up to bid him farewell privately,
While the Muslims had halted their mounts.

٦. تَنحّى يودِّعُهُ خالِياً
وقد أوقفَ المسلمونَ المطيّا

7. So those prone to doubt, the hypocrites,
Thought thoughts and said outrageous words,

٧. فظنّ أولو الشكِّ أهلُ النفاقِ
ظُنوناً وقالوا مَقالاً فَرِيّا

8. And said, “He whispers to him, apart from the people,
But no! God brought him near him as a confidante.”

٨. وقالوا يُناجيه دونَ الأنامِ
بل اللهُ أدناهُ منه نَجِيّا

9. Into Ahmad’s mouth He reveals
Eloquent speech and a hidden revelation,

٩. على فمِ أحمدَ يُوحي إليهِ
كلاماً بَليغاً ووَحياً خفيّا

10. So through him, apart from his companions,
He urged him on, conversing privately.

١٠. فكان به دونَ أَصحابِهِ
ما حثّ فيه عليهِ حفيّا