
Do you know a drawing made by the righteous

أتعرف رسما بالسويين قد دثر

1. Do you know a drawing made by the righteous
Veiled by showers of pouring clouds?

١. أتعرفُ رَسماً بالسويّين قد دَثر
عَفتْهُ أهاضيبُ السَّحائِب المّطرْ

2. Breezes dragged its train behind as replacements
Of youth and the setting sun at dusk and dawn

٢. وجرَّت به الأذيالَ رِيحان خِلفةً
صَباً ودَبورٌ بالعشيّاتِ والبُكَرْ

3. Dwellings that were in its essence
Dim landscapes, its charm captivated the sight

٣. منازلُ قد كانت تكونُ بجوِّها
هَضيمُ الحشا ريّا الشَّوى سحرُها النَّظرْ

4. Bunches of flowers like gems
As if their blossoms were the crescent's orbit

٤. قطوفُ الخُطا خمصانةٌ بَختريّةٌ
كأنّ مُحيّاها سَنا دارةِ القمرْ

5. She cast me far, after being near
So she appeared when I finished serving the homeland

٥. رَمتني ببعدٍ بعد قربٍ بها النّوى
فبانَت ولّما أقضِ من عبدةَ الوَطَرْ

6. And when she saw the pain of separation hurting me
She suppressed her flowing tears for me

٦. ولمّا رأتني خشيةَ البينِ موجعاً
أُكَفكِف منّي أدمعاً فيضُها دُرَرْ

7. She gestured to me with her fingertips, her tears
Like a threaded pearl necklace that scattered

٧. أشارت بأطرافٍ إليَّ ودمعُها
كَنَظْمِ جُمان خانه السِّلكُ فانْتَثَرْ

8. And I had been wary of what caused the separation
But neither my fear nor caution helped me

٨. وقد كنتُ ممّا أحدث البينُ حاذراً
فلم يُغنِ عنّي منه خوفيَ والحذرْ