1. I love the one who when death comes to his loved ones
He is met with good tidings and smiles at death
١. أُحبّ الذي من ماتَ من أهل وُدِّهِ
تلقّاه بالبُشرى لدى الموتِ يَضحَكُ
2. And the one who dies still hating his enemy
For him there is no path except towards hellfire
٢. ومن مات يَهوى غيرَه من عدوِّهِ
فليس له إلاّ إلى النّارِ مَسلَكُ
3. Oh Abu Hassan I sacrifice myself and my family for you
What is mine and what have I acquired in this world
٣. أبا حسن أَفديكَ نَفسي وأُُسرتي
وما لي وما أصبحت في الأرضِ أمْلِكُ
4. Oh Abu Hassan through your grace I have knowledge
And I hold fast to the rope of your love
٤. أبا حسن إنّي بفضلِكَ عارِفٌ
وإِنّي بحبلٍ من هواكَ لَمُمْسِكُ
5. You are the successor of Al-Mustafa and his cousin
We oppose those who hate you and leave them
٥. وأنت وصيّ المُصطفى وابنُ عمِّهِ
فإنّا نُعادي مُبغضيكَ ونَتركُ
6. I am a shining sword for Ali and his party
I said to their warner, surely you are most forgiving
٦. ولاحٍ لحاني في عليٍّ وحِزبِهِ
فقلتُ لحاك اللهُ إنّك أعْفَكُ
7. Your loyal followers are true guided believers
While your enemies are well known polytheists
٧. مُواليكَ ناجٍ مؤُمنٌ بيّنُ الهُدى
وقاليكَ معروفُ الضَّلالةِ مُشرِكُ