
To Alewah came the repentant visitor,

لعلوة زار الزائر المتأوب

1. To Alewah came the repentant visitor,
Beyond its smooth rock plateau bubbled the spring.

١. لِعَلوةَ زارَ الزائرُ المتأوِّبُ
ومن دون مَسراها الصِّفاحِ فَكبْكَبُ

2. After wandering lost, to us she was guided,
A tall palm's daughter from the womb of time.

٢. تسدَّتْ إلينا بعد هَدو ودونَها
طويلُ الذُّرى من بطنِ نَخلَة أَغلب

3. I asked her, "How did you find us, when beyond us
Lie barren wastes where the mounted hordes roam?"

٣. فقلت لها أنَّى اهتديتِ ودونَنا
قِفارٌ تَرامى بالركائبِ سَبْسَبُ

4. A dreadful emptiness where ostriches graze
Like veiled virgins covered in shifting sands.

٤. مخوف الرّدى قفرٌ كأنّ نَعامه
عَذارى عليهنَّ المِلاءُ المجوَّبُ

5. To the household from whom impurity was removed
And whom were cleansed of all filth, made pure and fragrant,

٥. إلى أهلِ بيتٍ أذهبَ الرجسَ عنهمُ
وصُفُّوا من الأَدناسِ طُرّاً وطُيِّبوا

6. To the household no true believer can lack devotion,
Nor in guardianship can people disagree over them.

٦. إلى أهلِ بيتٍ ما لمن كان مؤمِناً
من النّاسِ عنهم في الولايةِ مَذهبُ

7. How many a critic berated me for loving them,
How many a complainer by night would blame me, saying

٧. وكمْ مِن خَصيمٍ لامني في هَواهمُ
وعاذلةٍ هبّتْ بِلَيْلٍ تُؤنِّبُ

8. Without intending harm, blaming me for straying,
Such faultfinding being the wont of womankind,

٨. تقولُ ولم تقصِدْ وتعتِبُ ضَلَّةً
وآفةُ أخلاقِ النِّساءِ التعتُّبُ

9. You left praising the excellent, the virtuous,
And those striving for good whom you used to extol,

٩. تركتَ امتداحَ المُفضِلين ذوي النَّدى
ومَن في ابتغاءِ الخير يَسعى ويَرغَبُ

10. You left your neighbors and loving friends
Whom you are estranged from when called by name,

١٠. وفارقتَ جيراناً وأهلَ مَودّةِ
ومَن أنت منهم حينَ تُدعى وتُنْسَبُ

11. So you are a stranger among them, kept apart,
As if they are lions you cower from in fear.

١١. فأنتَ غريبٌ فيهمُ متباعدٌ
كأنّك مّما يَتَّقونَكَ أجربُ

12. You blame their faith while yours, they say,
Is more blamable and contemptible than theirs.

١٢. تَعٍيبُهمُ في دِينِهم وهمُ بما
تَدينُ به أَزرى عليكَ وأَعْيَبُ

13. I said, "Leave me be! I will never again praise
Any but them, for as long as I make the pilgrimage."

١٣. فقلتُ دَعيني لن أُحَبِّر مدحةً
لغيرهمِ ما حجَّ للهِ أَرْكُبُ

14. Will you forbid me from loving Muhammad's family
When loving them brings me nearer to God?

١٤. أتنهَينَني عن حُبِّ آل محمدٍ
وحُبُّهمُ ممّا بهِ أتقرَّبُ

15. Loving them is like praying, and to people
More binding than some forms of praying.

١٥. وحبّهمُ مثلُ الصلاة وإنّه
على الناسِ من بعضِ الصلاةِ لأوْجَبُ