1. Stop, O night companion, and move away with your gloomy songs,
O trustee of Allah, O best of governors,
١. قِف بنا يا صاح وار
بَعْ بالمغاني الموحشاتِ
2. Surely, Sawwar ibn Abdillah is among the evildoers of judges,
Surely Sawwar is blind, from those of loud immorality,
٢. يا أمينَ الله يا من
صورُ يا خيرَ الولاةِ
3. A lame Nathali, certainly not manly for you all,
His grandfather a thief of she-goats, one of the immoral ones,
٣. إنّ سوّار بنَ عبد ال
لهِ من شرِّ القُضاةِ
4. He insults the Messenger of Allah, and charges him with abhorrent things,
He who used to call out from behind the apartments,
٤. إنّ سَوّاراً لأعْمى
من ذوي جَهْرٍ جُناةِ
5. "O Hanaa, come out to us, we are the people of perversion,"
He made traditions for us, which were the inheritances of tyrants,
٥. نَعْثَليُّ جَمَليٌّ
لكمُ غيرُ مواتِ
6. So we insulted him, and whoever we insult is pelted with spitting,
So forbid him, may Allah not forbid him the evils of the night visitors.
٦. جَدُّهُ سارقُ عنزٍ
فجرةً من فَجَراتِ
٧. لِرسول اللهِ وال
قلذفُهُ بالمُنْكَراتِ
٨. والذي كان يُنادي
من وراءِ الحُجُراتِ
٩. يا هناةُ اخرجْ إلينا
إنّنا أهلُ هَناتِ
١٠. سَنَّ فينا سُنَنا
كانت مواريثَ الطغاةِ
١١. فهجوناهُ ومن نهجو
يُصَبْ بالزًَّفراتِ
١٢. فاكفنيهِ لا كفاهُ ال
لهُ شَرَّ الطَّارقاتِ