1. Jesus son of Mary, as you claim
Could revive every corpse and grave
١. فقالَ له قد كان عيسى بنُ مريمٍ
بزعمك يُحيي كلَّ مَيْتٍ ومُقْبَرِ
2. So what is it that was given to you, Muhammad asked
Like what was given to him, if you wish then look
٢. فماذا الذي أُعطيتَ قال محمدٍ
لمثلِ الذي أُعطيه إنْ شئتَ فانظِرِ
3. At the like of what I was given, so they said in their disbelief
Show us what you say, no more excuses
٣. إلى مثلِ ما أعطي فقالوا لكفرِهم
إلا أرِنا ما قلتَ غيرَ مُعذَّرِ
4. So the Messenger of Allah said, arise for his successor
So he stood though his legs were not weak
٤. فقال رسولُ الله قمْ لوصيِّه
فقامَ وقِدماً كانَ غيرَ مُقَصِّرِ
5. And he called him with the honoured prayer, and Allah granted him distinction
And said follow him with the blessed prayer
٥. وردّاه بالمِنجابِ والله خَصّه
وقال اتبعوهُ بالدعاء المبرَّرِ
6. So when he came to the Baqee graveyard, he called upon it
And the tombs of the land that were unchanged split open
٦. فلمّا أتى ظَهرَ البقيعِ دعا بهِ
فَرَجَّت قُبورٌ بالوَرى لم تُغَيَّرِ
7. So they said to him, O heir of knowledge forgive us
And favour us with your pleasure and forgive
٧. فقالوا له يا وارثَ العلم أعفِنا
ومُنَّ علينا بالرّضى منك واغفِرِ