
The Prophet passed away in peace

توفي النبي عليه السلام

1. The Prophet passed away in peace
When he disappeared into the grave

١. توفّي النبيُّ عليه السلامُ
فلمّا تغيَّبَ في المَلْحَدِ

2. They took away his will from his closest kin
To the furthest, the furthest of the far

٢. أزالوا الوصيّةَ عن أقرَبيه
إلى الأبعدِ الأبعدِ الأَبعدِ

3. And they almost destroyed his supporters after him
Oh my eyes, be generous and do not freeze

٣. وكادوا مواليهِ من بعدِه
فيا عينُ جودي ولا تَجمُدِ

4. The children of the Messenger of God
Are wronged in it, and it was not sealed

٤. وأولادُ بنتِ رسولِ الإله
يُضامون فيها ولم تُكْمَدِ

5. So they are between the slain and the weakened
And the one buried in the ground, aimed at

٥. فهمْ بينَ قَتلى ومُستضعَفِ
ومنعفرٍ في الثَّرى مُقْصَّدِ

6. So the memory of the Prophet and the memory of the Trustee
And the memory of the Purified, the one with the mosque

٦. فذكرُ النبيِّ وذكرُ الوصيِّ
وذكر المطهَّرِ ذي المَسْجدِ

7. The bones of the flesh, the beautiful faces
The scent of meadows and gardens

٧. عظامُ الحلومِ حسانُ الوجوهِ
شمُّ العرانينَ والمَنْجَدِ

8. And from the filth of impurity they were purified
Oh the virtue of those who are guided through them

٨. ومن دَنسِ الرِّجسِ قد طُهِّروا
فيا فضلَ من بهمُ يَهتدي

9. They are God's arguments among His creation
Through them, every seeker of guidance is guided

٩. هم حجج اللهِ في خلقِهِ
عليهم هُدى كلِّ مستَرْشِدِ

10. Through them, the ways of the Messengers were revived
Despite the noses of the envious ones

١٠. بهم أُحْيِيَتْ سَننُ المرسلينَ
على الرغم من أنُفِ الحُسَّدِ

11. So whoever does not pray upon them will lose
If he meets God at the lookout

١١. فمن لم يصلِّ عليهم يَخِبْ
إذا لقيَ اللهَ بالمَرْصَدِ