
It is enough for him that bliss is his in

وكفاه بأن طوبى له في

1. It is enough for him that bliss is his in
his home whose origin is from the abode of eternity

١. وكفاهُ بأنّ طُوبى له في
دارِه أصلُها بدارِ الخلودِ

2. A paradise is every dwelling of the happy one
In it a branch from it despite the envious

٢. أيكةٌ كلُّ منزلٍ لسعيدٍ
فيه غُصنٌ منها برغمِ الحسودِ

3. From it hang fruits
Of soft harvest and fresh palm fruit

٣. تَتدلّى عليه منها ثِمارٌ
من جَنى لِينَة وطلحٍ نَضيدِ