
I do not forget him when death was certain

لست أنساه حين أيقن بالموت

1. I do not forget him when death was certain
He called them and stood among them preaching

١. لستُ أنساه حين أيقنَ بالمو
تِ دعاهمْ وقامَ فيهم خَطيبا

2. Then he said return to your families and build
In my place I see for them what is required

٢. ثم قال ارجعوا إلى أهلكم لي
سَ سِوائي أرى لهم مَطلوبا

3. So they responded with tearful eyes
Their grief for him had flared into flames

٣. فأجابوه والعيونُ سُكوبٌ
وحَشاهم قد شبّ منها لهيبا

4. What excuse do we have tomorrow when we meet
Your grandfather Mustafa while we were derelict

٤. أي عذر لنا غداً حين نَلقى
جَدَّك المصطفى ونحن حُروبا