1. The prophet's successor, and the first who turned
Towards the abode of guidance when he was young
١. وصيُّ رسول الله والأوّلُ الذي
أنابَ إلى دارِ الهُدى حين أيفَعا
2. He prayed in secret, following his faith
Fearing oppression and prohibition in youth
٢. غلاماً فصلَّى مُسْتَسِرّاً بدينِه
مخافةَ أن يُبغى عليه فيُمنعا
3. In Mecca, when the Quraysh and others
Prostrated and bowed to idols time and again
٣. بمكّةَ إذ كانت قريشٌ وغيرُها
تظلُّ لأوثانٍ سجوداً وركعَّا
4. The prophet's companion in the sacrificial camels
That he had marked for Hajj and bade farewell
٤. شريكُ رسولِ الله في البُدُن التي
حَداها هدايا عامَ حجٍّ فودَّعا
5. When the gift camels arrived at their destination
He called for the marked she-camels and hamstrung them
٥. فلم يعُد أن وافى الهَديُّ محلّه
دَعا بالهدايا مُشْعَرات فصرَّعا
6. With his own hands, sixty plus six she-camels
Gifts for him, a hundred camels in all
٦. بكفّيهِ ستّاً بعد ستّين بَكرةً
هدايا له قد ساقها مائةً معا
7. And Ali won the best of them, thirty
Nay, more than that, thirty four
٧. وفازَ عليُّ الخيرِ منه بأينُقٍ
ثلاثينَ بل زادت على ذاك أربعا
8. He slaughtered them, then took a portion
From all, then threw away all he had taken
٨. فنحَّرها ثم اجتذى من جَميعها
جُذى ثم ألقى ما اجتذى منه أجمعا
9. In a pot he cooked it till it was thick
Then when it cooled he shredded its meat
٩. بِقِدرٍ فأغلاها فلمّا أتت أتى
بها قد تهرّى لحمُها وتميَّعا
10. He said to him, eat some and do as you
See me do, God willing, so do the same
١٠. فقال له كلّ واحسُ منها ومثلما
تَراني بإذنِ الله صنعُ فاصنَعا
11. They did not feed any morsels to people
Until they'd eaten their fill and rolled around
١١. ولم يُطْعِما خَلقاً من الناسِ بِضعةً
ولا حسوةً من ذاك حتى تَضلَّعا