1. The Prophet stood up one day at Khumm
Beside the pond, or facing it,
١. قامَ النبيُّ يومَ خُمِّ خاطِباً
بجانبِ الدَّوْحاتِ أو حِيالَها
2. And said: "To whomsoever I am his master,
This Ali here is his master too." He said it over and over.
٢. فقالَ من كنتُ له مولىً فذا
مَولاه رَبّي اشهدْ مِراراً قالَها
3. They all said: "We hear and obey,
Every one of us," and they hastened
٣. قالوا سَمِعنا وأطعنا كلُّنا
وأسرعوا بالأَلسنِ اشتغالَها
4. To affirm it with their tongues.
And there came to him an aged band,
٤. وجاءهم مشيخةٌ يَقْدَمْهُمُ
شيخٌ يُهنِّي حَيدراً مِثالَها
5. Led by an old man who congratulated Haydar,
Saying: "Bravo to you, well done!
٥. قال له بخٍ بخٍ من مِثلكا
أصبحتَ مولى المؤمنينَ يا لها
6. You have become the master of the faithful, hurrah!"
"Strange," he said, "by my life how strange!
٦. يا عجباً وللزمانِ عَجَبٌ
يَلقى ذوو الفكرِ به ضُلاَّلَها
7. That the wise should fall into such pitfalls!"
"Surely those men only swore allegiance to you
٧. إن رِجالاً بايَعَتْهُ إنّما
بايَعتِ اللهَ فما بَدا لَها
8. Because they were swearing allegiance to God?"
And how could men not bear witness when at his oration
٨. وكيف لم تشهدْ رجالٌ عندما
أشهدَ في خُطبته رِجالَها
9. They bore witness to their allegiance?
And the old man challenged him, saying: "I have grown old,
٩. وناشدَ الشيخَ فقالَ إنّني
كَبُرتُ حتى لم أجد أمثالَها
10. And never seen the like of it."
He retorted: "By God, a lie cannot hide a truth!"
١٠. فقال والكاذبُ يُرمى بالتي
ليس تُواري عَمّةً تَنالُها