
He had a brother and trustworthy confidant

وكان له أخا وأمين غيب

1. He had a brother and trustworthy confidant
Of revelation when it was revealed

١. وكانَ له أخاً وأمينَ غيبٍ
على الوحيِ المنزّلِ حينَ يُوحى

2. And Ahmed the Guide had a minister
As Aaron was minister of Moses

٢. وكان لأحمَد الهادي وزيراً
كما هارون كان وزيرَ موسى

3. Successor of Muhammad and father of his sons
And first prostrator to God in prayer

٣. وصيُّ محمدٍ وأبو بنيهِ
وأوّلُ ساجدٍ للهِ صلَّى

4. In Mecca and the desert people of idolatry
And idols to which sacrifices were made

٤. بمكَّةَ والبريةُ أهلُ شركٍ
وأَوثانٍ لها البَدَناتُ تُهدى