1. You pledged allegiance, outwardly,
To Islam, then you broke it.
١. وبيعة ظاهرٍ بايعتموها
على الإسلامِ ثم نَقضتموها
2. God has said to them, "Settle down,"
But they did not settle, nor did you make them.
٢. وقد قال الإلهُ لهنّ قِرنا
فما قرَّتْ ولا أقرَرْتُموها
3. Abu Khubyb leads the she-camel for them
At the time of their father when you let them go.
٣. يَسوق لها البعيرَ أبو خُبيب
لِحَيْنِ أبيه إذ سيَّرتموها