1. Stop at the ruins and whisper to them,
"You were once dwellings."
١. قفْ بالديارِ وحيِّهنَّ دِيارا
واسقِ الرسومَ المّدمَع المِدرارا
2. Water the faded traces with flowing tears.
Zainab and Nawar used to live here,
٢. كانت تَحِلُّ بها النَّوارُ وزينبٌ
فرعى إلهي زَينباً ونَوارا
3. So nourish, my God, Zainab and Nawar.
Say to the one hostile to the heir of Muhammad,
٣. قل للّذي عادى وصيَّ محمدٍ
وأبانَ لي عن لفظِه إنكارا
4. Whose words betrayed his rejection,
"The one with knowledge of the Book and its wisdom,
٤. من عندَه علمُ الكتابِ وحكمُه
من شاهدٍ يتلوه منه نِذارا
5. A witness reciting warnings to him,
Knows of misfortunes and death,
٥. علمُ البَلايا والمنايا عندَه
فصلُ الخطابِ نَمى إليه وصارا
6. So the debate has ripened for him, grown.
He has the witnessed battle of Badr,
٦. وله ببدر وقعةٌ مشهودةٌ
كانت على أهل الشقاءِ دَمارا
7. Which brought ruin to the wretched,
Where he made Shaybah and Al-Walid taste death
٧. فأذاق شيبةَ والوليدَ منيّةً
إذ صبّحاه جَحفلاً جَرَّارا
8. When they attacked him at dawn insistently.
And likewise 'Utbah when he inclined toward it
٨. وأذاقَ عُتبةَ مثلَها أهوى لها
عضباً صَقيلاً مُرهفاً بتَّارا
9. With sharpened, unsheathed, wrathful blade.
And he has the ordeal on the day of Uhud when help was cut off
٩. وله بَلاء يوم أُحْدٍ صالحٍ
والمشرفيّةُ تأخذُ الأدبارا
10. And they fled from al-Musharrafiyyah.
When Gabriel came calling out the announcement
١٠. إذ جاءَ جبريلٌ فنادى معلناً
في المسلمين وأسمعَ الأبرارا
11. To the Muslims, informing the pious,
'No sword but Dhu'l-Faqar, no warrior but Ali,
١١. لا سيفَ إلاّ ذو الفقارِ ولا فَتىً
إلاّ عليّ إن عَدَدْت فَخارا
12. If you enumerate the valorous!'
The one who patched the Prophet Muhammad's sandal,
١٢. مَن خاصِفٌ نعلَ النبيِّ محمدٍ
أرضى الإلهَ بفعِله الغفَّارا
13. Pleasing thereby the All-Forgiving God.
He says of him, making a public announcement,
١٣. فيقول فيه معلناً خيرُ الورى
جهراً وما ناجى به إسرارا
14. Aloud, and what he confided secretly:
'This is my heir among you and my caliph;
١٤. هذا وصيّي فيكمُ وخليفتي
لا تَجهلوه فترجعوا كفارا
15. Do not be ignorant and turn apostates.'
And he has a supreme sermon on the Day of the Camel
١٥. وله بيوم الدَّوْحِ أعظمُ خطبةٍ
أدّى بها وحيَ الإلهِ جِهارا
16. Whereby he conveyed the revelation of God openly.
And he has the Path of God before His servants.
١٦. وله صراطُ الله دون عبادِهِ
مَنْ يَهده يُرْزَقْ تُقىً ووَقارا
17. Whoever He guides will be granted piety and dignity.
It is recorded in the Books, illustrated with his name
١٧. في الكتْبِ مَسطور مجلَّى باسمِه
وبنعتِه فاسأل به الأخبارا
18. And attributes, so ask those informed.
Who was his neighbor with a dwelling in the mosque,
١٨. مَن كان ذا جارٍ له في مسجدٍ
من نالَ منه قرابةً وجِوارا
19. Related to him, sharing his vicinity?
God took him in and brought his people out
١٩. والله أدخله وأخرجَ قومَهُ
واختاره دونَ البرية جارا
20. And chose him above all mankind as a neighbor.
Who was it Gabriel stood by on the right
٢٠. من كان جبريلٌ يَقومُ يمينه
فيها وميكالٌ يقوم يَسارَا
21. And Michael on the left?
Who was helped by the angels of heaven,
٢١. مَن كان يَنصره ملائكةُ السما
يأتونه مَدَداً له أنصارا
22. Coming to his aid as supporters?
Who affirmed the One God before every other affirmer,
٢٢. مَن كان وحَّد قبلَ كلّ موحِّدٍ
يدعو الإلهَ الواحدَ القهّارا
23. Calling upon the One, Omnipotent God?
Who prayed to both qiblas while his tribe
٢٣. مَن كان صلّى القبلتين وقومُه
مثلُ النواهقِ تحملُ الأسفارا
24. Were towering obstacles taking journeys?
Who was called a believer in the Qur'an
٢٤. مَن كان في القرآن سُمِّيَ مؤمناً
في عشرِ آيات جُعِلنَ خِيارا
25. In ten verses, made of the elect?
Who said to the water, 'Burst forth!' and it burst forth
٢٥. مَن قال للماءِ افجري فتفجّرت
ما كلّفتْ كفّاً له مِحفارا
26. Without being tasked with picks and shovels
Until his soldiers quenched their thirst from it
٢٦. حتى تروَّى جندُه في مائِها
لما جرى فوق الحَضيضِ وفارا
27. When it flowed down the valley copiously?
And at Karbala there were other signs before,
٢٧. وبكَربَلا آثارٌ أُخرى قَبلها
أحيا بها الأنعامَ والأشجارا
28. Whereby he revived cattle and trees.
And the monk of that place came to him and submitted
٢٨. وأتاه راهبُها وأسلمَ طائعاً
معه وأَثنى الفارسَ المغوارا
29. Willingly, praising the intrepid knight.
Or who made the sun reverse course after it had set,
٢٩. أم مِن عليه الشمس كَرَّت بعدما
غَربت وألبسها الظلامُ شِعارا
30. And darkness had clothed it in a garment,
Until it met up with midday at its appointed time,
٣٠. حتى تُلاقي العصرَ في أوقاتِها
واللهُ آثرَهُ بها إيثارا
31. As God favored him with it, preferring him?
Then it disappeared hastily behind the veil
٣١. ثَمّتْ توارتْ بالحجاب حثيثةً
جعلَ الإلهُ لِسيرِها مِقدارا
32. As God ordained the measure of its course?
Who disavowed them with disavowal,
٣٢. مَن كان آذنَ منهم ببراءةٍ
في المشركين فأنذرَ الكفّارا
33. Warning the unbelievers,
'We disavow you all, so wander the earth
٣٣. منكم برئنا أجمعين فأشهراً
في الأرضِ سِيروا كُلُّكم فُرَّارا
34. Dispersed, all of you fleeing!'
And purchased love from Gabriel, purified
٣٤. وابتاع من جبريل حبّاً قد زكى
في جَنّةٍ لم تُحرم الأنهارا
35. In a garden from which rivers were not forbidden.
Gabriel pledged allegiance to him and praised his guest -
٣٥. جبريلُ بايَعه وأحمد ضيفَهُ
خيرُ الأنامِ مَرْكباً ونِجارا