
For his virtue, he was the first one who

من فضله أنه قد كان أول من

1. For his virtue, he was the first one who
Prayed and believed in the Merciful when they disbelieved

١. من فضله أنّه قد كان أوّلَ مَن
صلّى وآمنَ بالرحمن إذ كفروا

2. For seven years and sacred days
With the Prophet, in fear, though they were unaware

٢. سنينَ سبعاً وأيّاماً محرَّمةً
مع النبيِّ على خوفٍ وما شَعروا

3. And the day Gabriel told him, they now knew
Warn your closest tribe, if they see

٣. ويوم قال له جبريلُ قد علموا
أنذر عشيرَتَكَ الأدْنَين إن بَصْروا

4. So he called them, apart from his nation
None of them failed to respond

٤. فقام يدعوهُم من دونِ أمّتهِ
فما تخلّف عنهُ منهمُ بَشَرُ

5. Among them, a glutton in a sitting ate greedily
And a drinker drank like a camel, on his deathbed

٥. فمنهم آكلٌ في مجلسٍ جَذَعاً
وشاربٌ مثل عَسٍّ وهو مُحْتَضَرُ

6. He distracted them from the sides of a satiated bowl
In which was a sa` of seeds atop the chaff

٦. فصدّهم عن نواحي قَصعةٍ شبعاً
فيها من الحَبِّ صاعٌ فوقه الوَذرُ

7. So he said, "O people, God has sent me
To you, so respond to God, and realize

٧. فقال يا قوم إنّ اللهَ أرسلني
إليكمُ فأجيبوا اللهَ وادّرِكوا

8. Which of you will choose my words and believe in me
That I am a prophet and messenger?" and treacherous Ghadir arose

٨. فأيّكم يَجتبي قولي ويؤمنُ بي
أنّي نبيٌّ رسولٌ فانبرى غَدِرُ

9. Saying, "Away! Do you call us to distract us
From our religion?" Then the people stood up and put on their robes

٩. فقال تَبّاً أتدعونا لِتلفِتَنا
عن ديِننا ثم قام القومُ فاشتَمروا

10. Who was it that said among them, though he was the youngest of them
In years and the best of them in memory when they wrote

١٠. مَن الذي قال منهم وهو أحدثهم
سنّاً وخيرُهم في الذكر إذ سَطَروا

11. "I believe in God, I have been given supererogation
That has not been given to any jinn or human

١١. آمنتُ باللهِ قد أُعطيتُ نافِلةً
لم يُعْطَها أحد جنٌّ ولا بَشَرُ

12. And that what you have said is truth, and they
If they do not respond, have betrayed and lost"

١٢. وأن ما قلتَه حقٌّ وأنّهم
إن لم يُجيبوا فقد خانوا وقد خَسِروا

13. So he succeeded in attaining it, and God honored him
For he was the fore runner of goals when they competed

١٣. ففازَ قِدماً بها واللهُ أكرَمُهُ
وكان سبّاقَ غاياتٍ إذا ابتَدَروا