1. The heir of the sword, the turban, and the lofty banner
Folded, and the shackles,
١. وارثُ السيف والعِمامةِ والرا
يةِ مطويّةً وذاتِ القيودِ
2. Inherited from him, and the eloquence that he had
And the war against which he met the day of delegations,
٢. منه والبلغةُ التي كان والحر
بُ عليها يَلقاه يومَ الوُفودِ
3. It was enough for him that he preceded people
By virtue of prayer and monotheism,
٣. وكفاه بأنّه سبقَ النا
سَ بفضلِ الصلاةِ والتوحيدِ
4. Arguments before them, perfect sevenths
By bowing or prostrating.
٤. حُججاً قبلَهم كواملَ سبعاً
بركوعٍ أو بسجودِ
5. It was enough for him with a thousand thousand hadiths
Which he memorized from a glorious revelation,
٥. وكفاه بألفِ ألف حديثٍ
قد وَعاهنّ من وحيٍّ مَجيدِ
6. He memorized them in a council with their meanings,
Their causes and the time of limits.
٦. قد وَعاها في مجلس بمعاني
ها وأسبابِها ووقتِ الحُدودِ
7. It was from his words, do not relapse
After my death in rejection and obstinacy,
٧. كان من قولِه ألا تعودوا
بعد موتي في رِدِّةِ وعُنودِ
8. Do not start war between yourselves and become
In two parties, a leader and led,
٨. تَلقّحوا الحربَ بينكم فتصيروا
في فريقين قائدٍ ومَقودِ
9. And if you are tried and deviated
In confusing blindness and hesitation,
٩. ولئن أنتمُ فُتنتم وخِلتم
في عَمىً حائلٍ وفي تَرديدِ
10. You will see me, and in my hand the double-edged sword,
And Ali in a regiment like lions.
١٠. لَتروني وفي يدي السيفُ صلتاً
وعليّاً في فيلقٍ كالأسودِ
11. Under him my she-camel and my armor upon him
And my sword in his grip and my pillar,
١١. تحته بَغلتي ودرعي عليه
وحُسامي في كفِّهِ وعَمودي
12. Above him my banner which the wind makes fly
Upon you on an inauspicious day of annihilation.
١٢. فوقَه رايتي تَطيرُ بها الري
حُ عليكم في يومِ نَحسٍ مبيدِ