1. And ask the tribe of Has-Has, you will be told that
The trustee had almost been struck by an aimed arrow
ูก. ูุงุณุฃูู ุจูู ุงูุญูุณุญุงุณู ุชูุฎูุจูุฑู ุฃูููู
ูุงุฏ ุงููุตููู ุจุฑูุดููู ุณูู
ู ู
2. So the Chosen One invoked upon him among his people
With an invocation - blessed and supported be this invocation!
ูข. ูุฏุนุง ุนููู ุงูู
ูุตุทูู ูู ููู
ุจุฏุนุงุก ู
ูุฏู ุงูุฏุนุงุก ู
3. Thus his right hand was disabled as punishment
And he came to his clan with a blackened face
ูฃ. ูุชุนุทููุช ููู
ูู ููุฏูู ุนููุจุฉู
ูุฃุชู ุนุดูุฑูุชููู ุจูุฌูู ุฃุณูุฏู
4. Date palms were planted of Adam's progeny
With nobility, thus it prospered with the pride of good birth
ูค. ุบูุฑุณุช ูุฎููู ู
ู ุณูุงูุฉู ุขุฏู
ุดุฑูุงู ูุทุงุจู ุจูุฎุฑู ุทูุจู ุงูู
5. An olive tree blossomed, neither eastern
Nor western to be found in the horizon
ูฅ. ุฒูุชููุฉู ุทูููุนูุชู ููุง ุดุฑูููุฉู
ุชูููู ููุง ุบุฑุจููุฉู ูู ุงูู
6. Its light continues to rise from its oil
Above the plains and above the barren mountains
ูฆ. ู
ุง ุฒุงู ููุดุฑู ููุฑููุง ู
ู ุฒููุชููุง
ููู ุงูุณูููู ูููู ุตูู
ูู ุงูุฌูููู
7. Its flaming torch is Ahmad and the one
Who guides to the path of the most ascetic road
ูง. ูุณุฑุงุฌููุง ุงููููุงุฌู ุฃุญู
ุฏู ูุงูุฐู
ูููุฏู ุฅูู ููุฌู ุงูุทุฑููู ุงูุฃุฒูุฏู
8. And if you reached the rope of Muhammad's family
The rope of affection from you, then deliver and increase
ูจ. ูุฅุฐุง ูุตูุชู ุจุญุจูู ุขู ู
ุญุจูู ุงูู
ูุฏูุฉู ู
ููู ูุงุจูุบู ูุงุฒุฏูุฏู
9. With the Purified, father of the Purified
They attained the heights and virtues that do not diminish
ูฉ. ุจู
ุทูููุฑู ููู
ุทููุฑูู ุฃุจููุฉู
ูุงููุง ุงูุนููู ูู
ุงู ูู
10. The people of piety, inhibition, and the most high
And those who speak of the verified hadith
ูกู . ุฃููู ุงูุชูู ูุฐูู ุงููููู ูุฃููู ุงูุนููู
ูุงููุงุทูููู ุนู ุงูุญุฏูุซู ุงูู
11. The fasting, the standing, the bowing
The surpassing, the protected by trials and calamities
ูกูก. ุงูุตุงุฆู
ููู ุงููุงุฆู
ููู ุงููุงูุช
ููู ุงููุงุฆูููู ุจูู ุงูุญูุฌู ูุงูุณุคุฏูุฏู
12. The kneeling, the prostrating, the praising
The outpacing, to the prayers of the mosque
ูกูข. ุงูุฑุงูุนููู ุงูุณุงุฌุฏููู ุงูุญุงู
ูู ุงูุณุงุจูููู ุฅูู ุตูุงุฉู ุงูู
13. The excelling, the rising, the wandering
The worshipping their God with affection
ูกูฃ. ุงููุงุชูููู ุงูุฑุงุชูููู ุงูุณุงุฆุญู
ูู ุงูุนุงุจุฏููู ุฅูุงููููู
ู ุจูุชููุฏููุฏู
14. The giving, the preventing, the capable
The conquering of any envious envier
ูกูค. ุงููุงูุจููู ุงูู
ุงูุนููู ุงููุงุฏุฑู
ูู ุงููุงูุฑูู ูุญุงุณุฏู ู
15. The Sublime erected a pulpit for Gabriel
In the shade of bliss from platforms of aquamarine
ูกูฅ. ูุตุจู ุงูุฌูููู ูุฌุจุฑุฆููู ู
ูู ุธููู ุทูุจู ู
ู ู
ูุชููู ุฒุจุฑุฌุฏู
16. The honorable angels and their Lord bore witness
And it was enough โ their Lord and them as witnesses
ูกูฆ. ุดูุฏู ุงูู
ูุงุฆูุฉู ุงููุฑุงู
ู ูุฑุจูููู
ูููู ุจูู
ู ุดููููุฏู
17. And blessings showered upon them as pearls
And emeralds in succession, unstrung
ูกูง. ูุชูุงุซุฑุชู ุทููุจู ุนูููู
ุฑูุฏุงู ู
ุชุชุงุจุนุงู ูู
18. And the angel of Fatima, the like of whom
Was not found in the East or in the assembly
ูกูจ. ูู
ููุงูู ูุงุทู
ุฉู ุงูุฐู ู
ุง ู
ูู ู
ุดูุฑูุงู ููุง ูู ู
19. And the patriarch of the Christians when she disputed
In her glory and the lofty, intertwined
ูกูฉ. ูุจูุฑูู ุนููููู
ุฉ ุงููุตุงุฑู ุฅุฐ ุนูุชูุชู
ูู ุนูุฒูููุง ูุงูุจุงุฐุฎู ุงูู
20. When Hฤtim said, "Bring forth your sons
And women, so we may imprecate tomorrow"
ูขู . ุฅุฐ ูุงูู ูุฑููุฑู ูุงุชู
ู ุฃุจูุงุกููู
ุญุชู ููุจุงููู ูู ุบูุฏู
21. So the Prophet came with Fatima and her guardian
And Hussein and Hassan the generous, the climber
ูขูก. ูุฃุชู ุงููุจููู ุจูุงุทู
ู ูููููููุง
ูุญุณููู ูุงูุญุณูู ุงููุฑูู
ู ุงูู
22. Gabriel was their sixth, so honor the sixth
And the last of the chosen for the greatest scene
ูขูข. ุฌุจุฑููู ุณุงุฏุณููู
ููุฃุฎูุฑู ู
ูุชูุฌูุจู ูุฃูุถูู ู