
The Prophet was sent, and after him

بعث النبي فما تلبث بعده

1. The Prophet was sent, and after him
Scarcely a single day had passed

١. بُعِثَ النبيُّ فما تلبَّثَ بعدَه
حتى تحنَّفَ غيرَ يومٍ واحدِ

2. When he prayed, gave alms, and secretly practiced his faith
From every anxious or loving father

٢. صلَّى وزكى واستَسرّ بدينهِ
من كلِّ عَمٍّ مُشفِقٍ أو والدِ

3. On pilgrimage, hiding his religion, then when alone
He prayed and praised his Lord with hymns of praise

٣. حِججاً يكاتِمُ دينَه فإذا خلا
صلَّى ومجَّد ربّه بمحامدِ

4. The nine year old prayed wearing a brocaded gown
While his playmates frolicked between carpets

٤. صلّى ابنَ تسعٍ وارتدى في بُرْجُدٍ
ولداته يَسعون بين براجِدِ

5. And the Prophet traveled, fearing he would be stripped
When covenants and pacts were severed

٥. وسَرى النبيّ وخافَ أنْ يُسْطى به
عندَ انقطاع مواثقٍ ومعاهد

6. So the Prophet came and slept atop his bed
Wrapped in his cloak like one asleep

٦. وأتى النبيُّ فبات فوقَ فراشِهِ
متدثِّراً بدثارِه كالراقدِ

7. The eyes of the pagans were wakeful and they spoke
Verses of Muhammad's family with hidden observers

٧. وذكت عيونُ المشركين ونطَّقوا
أبياتَ آلِ محمدٍ بمراصدِ

8. Until dawn broke through like a sword
Unsheathed from its scabbard

٨. حتى إذا ما الصبحُ لاح كأَنّه
سيفٌ تخرَّقَ عنه غمدُ الغامِدِ

9. They rose up, thinking they had triumphed over him
And encircled him, but the plotter's scheme failed

٩. ثاروا وظنّوا أنّهم ظَفِروا بهِ
فتعاوَروهُ وخابَ كيدُ الكائِدِ

10. He protected himself from the blows with his own life
And his head was surely garlanded in bands

١٠. فوقَاهُ بادرةَ الحُتوفِ بنفسِهِ
ولقد تنوَّلَ رأسُه بجلامِدِ