
Record it, O sons of Hashim

دونكموها يا بني هاشم

1. Record it, O sons of Hashim
And renew from its verses the faded one

١. دونكموها يا بَني هاشمٍ
فجدِّدُوا من آيِها الطامِسا

2. Record it, no eminent man's fortune
Has become your rival kingdom

٢. دونكموها لا علا كعبُ من
أمسى عليكم مُلْكَها نافِسا

3. Record it and wear its crown
Do not lack among you one who wears it

٣. دونَكموها فالبَسوا تاجَها
لا تَعدَموا منكمْ لهُ لابِسا

4. It is God's caliphate and authority
And a lineage that was examining you

٤. خلافة الله وسلطانه
وعنصر كان لكم دارسا

5. It was ruled before you by rulers
Who chose none but a knight from you

٥. قد ساسها قبلكم ساسة
ما اختار إلا منكم فارسا

6. If the pulpit were allowed to choose its horsemen
It would choose none but a knight from you

٦. لو خُيِّر المِنبرُ فرسانَه
ما اختارَ إلاّ منكمُ فارِسا

7. And if the kingdom were consulted about a ruler
It would be pleased with none but one from you

٧. والمُلْكُ لو شُوِورَ في سائسٍ
لما ارتضى غيرَكم سائسا

8. Abdullah's servant did not leave in Syria
From the family of Abu Al-‘Ass anyone sneezing

٨. لم يُبْقِ عبدُ الله بالشام من
آل أبي العاص امرأ عاطِسا

9. I do not despair that you will possess it
Until Jesus descends among you disappointed

٩. فلستُ من أن تملكوها إلى
هبوطِ عيسى منكمُ آيِسا