
By your life, no mosque after a mosque

لعمرك ما من مسجد بعد مسجد

1. By your life, no mosque after a mosque
In Mecca is purer, or a place of prayer in Yathrib,

١. لَعمرُكَ ما من مسجدٍ بعدَ مسجدٍ
بمكّةَ طُهراً أو مصلّى بيثرب

2. In East or West we knew its location,
Inhabited on earth or secluded.

٢. بشرقٍ ولا غربٍ علمنا مكانَه
من الأرض معموراً ولا متجنَّبِ

3. With my father, more virtuous than the blessed mosque
In the vast Kufa with heads and curved backs,

٣. بِأبينَ فضلاً من مصلّى مباركٍ
بكوفانَ رحبٍ ذي أرأسٍ ومَحْصَبِ

4. The mosque where Noah took refuge and built,
With concave chest and prominent breastbone.

٤. مصلَّى به نُوح تأثَّل وابتنى
به ذاتَ حَيزومٍ وصدرٍ مُحَنَّبِ

5. And by it the oven gushed water, and it was said
“O Noah! Embark on the ship!” Thus he embarked.

٥. وفار به التنّورُ ماءً وعنده
له قيل يا نوحٌ ففي الفُلكِ فاركبِ

6. And the gate of the Commander of the Faithful, by which
The refined Commander of the Faithful passed.

٦. وبابُ أميرِ المؤمنين الذي به
ممرُّ أميرُ المؤمنينَ المهذّبِ